Shooting in danger of Horná Dolná?


Unpleasant consequences! The actor Peter Sklár (50 years old) was so badly injured during the shooting that he was not only forced to perform his painful knee, but also a scenario show in Markíza.

The star of the Horná Dolná series will have to replace the work by the doctor for a while. However, the TV will not stop the production of other parts of sitcoms and will have to reach Plan B!

The glassmaker spammer in a hospital in Kramáro, Bratislava, following a serious accident that happened to him a few days ago. "Peter is injured knee while playing Horna Dolna while he was playing football", revealed the source of New Time, which was confirmed by the l '; artist himself Saturday. "I'm going to surgery," said Peter.

This is the result of the Black Markers series, which had a serious impact on the "mountainous". The serious mayor Karol Frlajz is the main character with whom they count in almost every painting. The production of other parts of the sitcoms gets the cracks that need to be paid. They also report to Záhorská Bystrica, where they can not give instructions to stop a rolled roll. "The series Horná Dolná turns. If necessary, the shooting will certainly adapt to the health of Petr Sklár," public relations manager Markíza Lenka Horáková. In practice, this may mean putting on a team of writers for a single table and hitting how to deal with an injured actor. That's why it's time to rewrite entire episodes, cutting off Sklárka's shooting days, but also the possibility that the camera will appear with gypsum. "After the surgery, I'll know more," adds the artist.

Zaklíte nakrúkání

The glassmaker fought happiness on Wednesday while playing football. "It was a miserable accident, his colleague fell in his turn and his knee rolled," says our source. Who with Petrom at that time chased the ball did not reveal, and the beaver's secret holds the artist himself. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function (19659008)) {n.callMethod?
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