Vladimir Meciar told us that he was going to join politics. What are his chances?


Vladimír Mečiar today
Photo: TV Markíza

Vladimír Meciar talks about the return to politics. But the TV channel Markíza confirmed that he would not represent the president.

The most powerful man in the country retires, but he says that he still has something to do

"I rested. The sheep stopped behaving because they ripped trees and started to deal with politics, "said Vladimir Meciar after a police poll, and the investigator explained what was wrong. He knew of the assassination of Sylvia Volz

. "

" He has always been a leading politician in active politics, and I can not imagine his involvement in regional politics, but only that he would have taken it as a hobby, "political analyst Ján Baránek thinks" what he could take away from his political rivals would certainly be very inept and very difficult to be defined in one way or another, "adds sociologist Martin Slosiarik of FOCUS.

If Vladimir Meciar wants to create a political party, he has not revealed it anymore. What do the experts see

"If that becomes impossible, then it is more likely that a party will be established." Because for me, who was at the head of the 35-37% party and who claims to be the father of Slovak independence, this person has entered a party that someone else creates, I think it is unlikely, "says political scientist Grigorij Mesežnikov

" I rather perceive this attitude by not returning to the post of president, vice-president, but rather to perceive that it can appear in a political party as its partisan or that will give some practical advice and others ", thinks Slosiarik [19659004Whocouldvoteifhesucceeded?
"He has already lost his electorate" "If I come from what Vladimir Meciar was and I am, I would prefer to seek ideological support in the new political party in the conservative spectrum," says Mesežnikov

. this is the SNS, KDH, possibly also the family of SMEs, and that some political subjects could enter the theoretical threat if they were at the margin of choice, then every half-percent is very rare, "says Slosiarik

"If he was involved, representatives of a certain part of the democratic spectrum would also appreciate this opportunity as they would take a few percent of the extremists and weaken them," Mesežnikov adds.

"The next generation of voters is growing. he does not remember the 90s that earned him the prize of so-called national interests, which he can impose on him, and Mečiar can therefore have as a politician the defense of the national interests of Slovakia in the past ", adds Baránek

. "It is doubtful whether Vladimir Meciar has enough political testosterone to address these voters," concludes Mesežnikov

Report prepared by Zuzana Ondrušková:

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