Bezos is thanks to Amazon the richest man in the world and what his staff: Become familiar with the face of Amazon and its practices – Miroslav Pomajdik


Bezos is the richest man of Amazon and his staff: Meet the face of Amazon and his practices

A few days ago, the world touched the relationship of wealth from the founder of Amazon Bezosa, which exceeded 150 billion dollars. USD and has become the richest man in modern history. However, what was the world that was so neobletelo, there were reports of great strikes in several factories of the Amazon in Spain, Poland and Germany. Especially in Spain, it was really hot when the police unreasonably attacked workers on strike, wounded and arrested more. The police hit the strike law of the employees. Strakjka commented on the words that functioned as a police force to defend the transnational and brutal occupation of workers.

Strakjk breaks out in the logistics center of San Fernando de Henares, on the outskirts of Madrid, where employees struggle to break their rights at work, reduce wages, restrict them. 80% of the 1,600 employees joined the strike. The craters also chanted the slogan: "N there is another way, either with bosses, or with a class of robots." In support of Spanish staff of Amazon, seven Amazonian branches in Germany and Poland were also affected. Such coordinated strikes that work in multi-national corporations in several industries and states at once are very important and increase the mutual success of workers in the fight for their rights. Transnational capital is the most painful of these strongly coordinated strikes of employees from different branches of different countries. This is an effective weapon for workers, and these companies will feel good and will have much less leeway, and the work team will quickly increase their chances of responding to their requests and coordinating them.

Workers in Germany, Spain and Poland have to work more hours without getting a bonus. Stefanie Nutzenberger of the German union Verdi said in her statement on the internet: "The message is clear while the online giant is wealthy, saving money on the health of its workers."

About Amazon's Dirty Practices

to its fabulous wealth, thanks to the fact that Amazon barely eliminates its competitors by dumping prices, by tax optimization , when he receives generous tax benefits and transfers his tax to tax havens in Luxembourg, where he has not withheld three quarters of the tax, and condemned the EU to pay the sum of 250 million euros. However, when one realizes that the company operates throughout Europe, it is tax free in Luxembourg in the sense of its profits in these countries only at a ridiculous level. At the same time, workers' wages and salaries are ridiculous when calculating the share of profits made by wages and what happens to Bezosa's private accountants, managers and shareholders in the Amazon

. exploitation of workers and the diversification of workers' rights. It is known that the employees of the company are constantly monitored, that their activity and performance are evaluated, given the different fines, or fired, have to work in difficult conditions (sometimes forced to spend 17 km by 10, 5 hours a day), they are still pressuring them to speed up the work, they do not have enough rest, long breaks, breaks are forced, they are forced to work overtime. , work at night, documented cases when they receive less than the minimum wage. Restrictions on toilets have also been registered.

The US Council for Safety and Health at Work has named Amazon one of the most dangerous sites in the United States. It is forbidden to establish unions in American branches. Amazon also rejects collective agreements. Amazon is proud to create jobs, but analysts have found that for every job created by Amazon, two vacancies are due to its activities

In addition, German ARD journalists who denounced their questionable operating practices disseminating a report on the conditions of the German Amazon for modern slavery. They also found that a large number of foreign workers were attracted to Amazon as staff members, but when they arrived, they were working in warehouses via agencies, which allowed the company to work. agency to release them day after day. They were housed in unsatisfactory conditions and were guarded by SBS, and reporters also discovered that one of these SBS was tied to a neo-Nazi environment and its employees wore Nazi symbols

. The unpaid labor force because these unemployed people had to take some time in the Amazon warehouses through the work agencies for a short period of time, if they did so not, so that they would enjoy social benefits. Amazon in Germany has repeatedly received state subsidies to promote employment

In particular, the retail market has been hit by the expansion of the Amazon, of Many companies went bankrupt and Amazon took control of various sectors of the economy. but also to take full control of workers' rights, without interfering with governments and unions

When the government will start creating its own public enterprises and will not just attract multinational companies. How much do we all pay to our people in multinational private companies who make a profit that the company does not share with our state. In capitalization, it is unfortunate and will never be otherwise. Our economy simply does not belong to us a long time ago, and we are only cogs that constantly turn and create astronomical profits for the generosity of oligarchs and capitalists

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