Romance under falling stars: Or Enchant: Perzeid meteoric swarm


The lovers of the night sky await a beautiful heavenly theater.

  Photo Illustration in the article Romance under the falling stars: Or Enlargement Meteorological swarm Perzeíd



The Perzeids are the most famous and popular meteoric kingdom. how
says the site of the SAS Astronomical Institute, the activity of this thief
from mid-July and ending in the second half of the month of August.

"This year's peak should be
the morning of August 13th. The countdown is estimated at 110 meteors per
hour, "

According to this phenomenon was known in the past as tears
Saint Vavrinca, who was tortured and burned at the border in Rome
August 10, under the reign of Emperor Valerian in 258.
"Catholics have long believed that fire from the sky falls on the ground
this martyr. Meteors, however, are neither tears nor shooting stars –
what many contemporaries also believe, "
is provided by the astronomer
institute on your site.

"These are small bodies belonging to the Solar System
(with an average diameter of 0.1 mm), mostly of a stone nature, which
flying through the atmosphere of the Earth. Perzeids left on track
around the long-running comic 109P / Swift-Tuttle of the Sun. in this
time that the Earth meets with them and we can watch meteoric
swarm, "
explains astrologers to

Foto: ilustračné


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