OLAB seeks clarification: Government Office must clarify why it does not use its own legal services


  • today 14:38

BRATISLAVA – The Ombudsman and the Independent Movement (OĽaNO) pointed out that they had again concluded a contract with a lawyer close to Martin Glváč (Smer-SD) in the Directorate General () V) of the Republic Slovak. TASR was informed by Matúš Bystriansky of the Department of Media Communication OĽaNO

  Veronika Remišová

Chairman of the OĽaNO MEP, Veronika Remišová. Stock Photo Source: TASR / Martin Baumann

The movement suspects the Central Bank of the Czech Republic to be clientelized in the provision of legal services. "The government cabinet has signed a legal services contract for more than 200,000 euros with VAT with the lawyer Michael Töröková, with whom Martin Glváč, senior company executive, was a joint venture and who represented the restituants in the case of a disputed transfer to Montenegro.Glovac, "said Bystriansky. The lawyer had to cooperate with the government office in the past

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"Legal services are often used to unnecessarily withdraw money from the state, as we have seen in an unreasonable reward for the lawyer Bjan, who was originally supposed to get a reward of 77 million euros, he concluded the contract at the time the Ministry of Justice was proposing rules to use external legal services in order not to repeat the Bžán case. The Ministry of Justice also requests that ministries use external services only if necessary, as all ministries "Remišova asked Prime Minister Petr Pellegrini (Smer-SD) to duly justify, as requested by the Ministry of Justice why the government office does not use its legal services, "said Veronika Remišová, president of OĽaNO, own legal capacity, but must contract external legal services. 659010] TASR


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