He did not say the last word. Mečiar says return to politics economy


Former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar, who dominated Slovak and Czechoslovak politics in the 1990s, begins to talk back. The politician has not yet said the last word.

"I rested. The sheep stopped acting because they were harvesting trees and I started to take some politics, "said Markieza, a 76-year-old former prime minister.

"I really do not intend to run for the presidency – a thousand per cent – to get into politics yes," says V. Meciar. "The question of how he founded the new party" left unanswered Sunday.

He spoke to the camera after a police survey, where he explained to the investigator what he knew of the alleged order of the murder of Sylvie Volz, a former co-owner of the Marquis .

Political analyst Ján Baránek is unable to represent Mečiar's role in regional politics because he has worked for years at the top. "The only thing that would be like a hobby," he joked. But he admitted that V. Meciar could impose another generation of voters who did not know the 1990s. She might consider V. Meciar as a politician who defends national interests.

"The question is whether Vladimir Meciar has a lot of political testosterone in him to answer these voters," said political scientist Grigorij Meseznikov. He felt that if this could not be possible in the case of Mečiar, he would certainly create his own party.

The name of Mečiar is the division of the Czechoslovak Federation and the creation of a separate Slovakia. He was a three-time prime minister, but his government was accompanied by criticism against national and Western opponents, controversial privatization and suspicions of misuse of secret services against political opponents.

As President V. Meciar awarded 20 years ago for the kidnapping of the president's son's amnesty. For many years, these amnesties prevented them from investigating the abduction before the abolition of their parliament last year, and the Constitutional Court approved the move.

The Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS), founded by V. Mecir in the federal state, later became the object of the voters' interest for political affiliation and in 2010, he left the parliament. In the early elections two years later, he did not even win the percentage of votes. A year later, V. Meciar ceased to be the president and a few months later he came out of motion

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