The special situation of measles is still valid


The extraordinary situation of Michalovce district due to the measles epidemic continues.

The ban on mass demonstrations annulled the towns of Michalovce and Strážske on the contrary, the measure extended to the municipalities of Ruska and Krišovská Liesková, continues to apply to Velké Kapušany and Laškovce, Trhovište, Zemplínska Široká, Kapušianske Kľačany, Vrbnica and Iňačovce

The reason for the abolition of the prohibition of mass demonstrations for the two cities mentioned is the reduction of cases of sickness "The positive development is mainly that there have been three cases in the city of Michalovce last weekend, and there have been no cases in the last 24 hours" explained to the media after the crisis, which was at the district office in Michalovce on Tuesday. Cibereová. According to her, all inhabitants of the disease outbreak are vaccinated. If the situation in the city changes, the ban will come back. "In the past two weeks, there have been 92 new cases in Michalovce district and only 16 in Michalovce," said Jan Mikas, chief hygienist, as the city's development stabilized until present. The new cases are more about the surrounding communities where the vaccination takes place. This is also the case in other homes. Depending on the importance, the role of observation continues to be the goal of identifying sites where the infection is likely to report the number of people in them and then inoculate them [19659004Eastern”/>

Zemplín recorded about 350 measles cases on Tuesday morning. 16 patients were enrolled in the Department of Infecology Michigan Hospital "Six patients were hospitalized in the last 24 hours, and seven outpatient clinics were hospital emergency departments," said his Mayor Štefan Zamba . According to him, the development in terms of number of patients is stabilized. On Tuesday, 247 patients were hospitalized in the hospital in early May, more than 100 were treated in outpatient

The critical situation is currently in the Greater Capuchins and the surrounding villages which has been confirmed by Zamba. According to him, none of the patients of Michalovce was hospitalized, but the number of patients increases, but they are registered in Veľké Kapušian and Ruská, Kapušianske Kľačany and Krišovská Liesková

Most of the measures taken in the first state -Major crisis, monitor the police or help to vaccinate, but also ensure the transport of people infected by ambulance, continues to apply. The next meeting of the Crisis Staff is scheduled for 13 August.

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