The BMW blew us up with the Hungarians. The factory will not grow in Košice


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BMW will build a new factory in Hungary for one billion euros. The state will be in Debrecen and will employ more than 1,000 people. There will be an annual output of up to 150,000 vehicles with incinerators, hybrids and electric motors, the German company said Tuesday in Munich.

Construction should begin about a year. "The decision to build a new race highlights BMW Group's global growth prospects," said Harald Krüger, the company's head. "We are boosted in Europe, and therefore the overall balance of our production divided between Asia, America and Europe."

The BMW investment was also occupied by Slovakia, which offered the Košice Industrial Park.

In Germany, BMW invests more than a billion euros this year in the modernization of electromobility

Competitive Audi produces engines and vehicles in Hungary . BMW has declared its good infrastructure, its proximity to the supply chain and the skilled workforce [



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