Eurostat: Most migrants use our neighboring country


Brussels, 31 July 2018

According to the statistics of the European Union, Eurostat has drawn up a list of countries indicating the extent to which migrants have the opportunity

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In 2017, the employment rate of people aged 20 to 64 years reached 75.4% for migrants born in another EU country, up to 73.0% for non-EU national residents and up to 63.0% for migrants born outside the EU

Eurostat examined the third largest group of non-EU migrants in the EU according to their degree of affluence. employability

. The Czech Republic is located (79.4%), but this is surprising considering that this Central European country is known for its rejection of the migrants' reception quotas or the rejection of a policy of Opening of the borders because of the current situation.

The Czech Republic is followed by Romania (76.3%) and Portugal (74.5%). The fourth is Poland (73.0%) because it has more than 1.5 million Ukrainians, as well as many Belarusians, Moldovans and Vietnamese, with a new workforce to show even Filipinos

Of the EU Member States, the highest employment rate for migrants born in another Member State is Great Britain (83.6%), followed by the United Kingdom. Portugal (82.7%), Sweden (80.7%) and Estonia (80.2%). Households are the most represented in the labor market in Sweden (85.5%), Germany (81.6%) and the Netherlands (80.5%)

At the bottom of the ranking, Greece has the lowest employment rate (58.1%) for migrants born in other EU countries (56.1%), and Belgium (52.0%) the lowest employment rate for migrants born outside the EU. in the EU (about 70%).

However, if we take into account all European countries, that is to say non-EU, the first three are the island, which employs the most (almost 90 %) both inside and outside the EU. Switzerland and Norway (more than 80%) are employed by EU and EU nationals, but also outside the EU, more than 70%

. Slovakia has a fairly balanced representation in the three categories of about 70% 19659002]

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