Aggressive clip in Slovakia: Find out if your area is among the most at risk on encephalitis!



Year by year are more aggressive and the number of cases with the disease that is spreading is still rising! Experts point to the growing trend of tick-borne encephalitis. Slovakia even has primacy in the number of food outbreaks of this disease caused by food consumption.

The acquisition of new knowledge and exchange of information on the epidemiological situation of tick-borne encephalitis (KE) as well as on disease and prevention was reported. Objective of the 20th Annual Meeting of the International Scientific Working Group on Tissue Encephalitis (ISW-TBE).

Slovakia was represented at this international forum in Vienna by MUDr. Jana Kerlik from the Department of Epidemiology of the Banská Bystrica Regional Public Health Authority (RÚVZ) who presented the epidemiological situation of KE in Slovakia for the remaining years, including the year last.

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The ISW-TBE has about 900 experts from 30 European countries, with about 100 participants at the Vienna session. The main objectives of the ISW-TBE are to promote national and international cooperation, to stimulate and coordinate applied and fundamental research focused on the KE and to assist training and education programs. in the field.

there is a slight upward trend in tick-borne encephalitis. Slovakia has, in Europe and probably worldwide, an unmistakable predominance of the number of dietary outbreaks (caused by food consumption) of this disease, which is also increasing in number. The reason for this is the obsolete traditional products made from unpasteurized sheep's milk in Slovakia. There is also a risk of consuming raw goat's milk or derived products for positive health effects. However, inoculation against KE is still low in Slovakia, ranging from 1% to 5%, "MUDr.Kerlik

Risk Infection Areas

Nearly two-thirds of Slovakia have at-risk infection zones. The long-term highest disease corresponds to the Váh river basin region, mainly to Púchov and Považská Bystrica districts The spread of KE's endemic areas is mainly due to the north of the country as well as to the mountainous regions, probably due to climate change.The district of Žilina as well as the district of Bardejov are considered as a new focal point.In Central Slovakia, there are mainly localities in the districts of Banská Bystrica, Zvolen, Detva, where there has been an increase not only in cases but also in food epidemics in other years.In the east of the country, the endemic focal points of KE # 39; extend from Prešov, Vranov nad Topľou, Humenné to Snina

"In 2016 we saw the largest epidemic in the Košice – which was the second KE food outbreak in the east of Slovakia since the biggest outbreak of Rožňavská in the year 2000, 1951 in Slovakia, "said MUDr. Kerlik

How are things in other countries?

As new outbreaks of KE appear, other endemic foci such as, for example, Rožňava district already mentioned

In recent decades, an increase in the incidence of KE has been observed in most European countries. The regions most at risk are the neighboring Czech Republic, Austria, the Baltic countries or Slovenia. These countries also have the highest number of community cases in Europe. The only exception is Austria, where the long-term national vaccination campaign has achieved a vaccination rate of nearly 90%, resulting in a 90% decrease in the number of cases [19659014] Photogallery