How to create a breathtaking photo of nature in the Huawei Next Image Contest


Professionals and amateur photographers have more time to shoot with their smartphones during the summer. The world competition Huawei Next Image in full swing and waiting for its winner 10,000 euros. However, other valuable prizes are also played. It competes in six categories, one of which is Nature .

How to make an original photo of nature and avoid clichés

If you have the impression of having already seen all the photos and you would like to make the difference do not be afraid to try new things. Discard prejudices, and for example, by turning the photos, turn the sun toward the front. If the sky is clear, the images breathe in a unique atmosphere. If you also catch your smartphone at the right angle, interesting rainbow reflections will cross the subject. They are formed by the reflection of the sun's rays coming from the sensor of the camera.

Even more interesting, however, images taken against the sun can be seen if they are mostly covered with clouds. Then activate the mode on your HDR, put it in the right composition, and wait for the sun, or at least part of it, to come off the clouds. You can also "hide" our nearest star beyond the object you are looking for. If you find, for example, a beautiful sunflower and place it in front of the sun, it will look radiant. The same thing can apply to any hill or rock

If you want to contribute to the Huawei Next Image contest, try to focus on a stream or a waterfall. In the best case, it should be a stream of water that flows more suddenly. Place the smartphone just above the water, giving the impression that the images were created directly from the surface. Do not worry about the photo macro. Today, he can also create your smartphone in very good quality. You should only place a photo of one of the 4 corners of the photo in a background to see the background blur in the background.

Well, in the end, we recommend waiting for the right opportunity to photograph wildlife. If you know where wildlife is moving, it's a loss of 10,000 euros to spend time at this place. When the right opportunity arises and some forest occupants get closer, hold the shutter button down for longer. The place of a photo will be quickly in all their series. For your patience, you can win a reward in the form of a beautiful shot. But if you ever see the bear, you do not do it, but run away.

How to use the features of Huawei P20 and P20 Pro smartphones for landscape photography

The pair of the best photomobiles today, Huawei P20 and P20 Pro, has a number of Useful features for taking pictures of nature. First of all, we recommend using the intelligent intelligence of those phones that think of you when shooting. So, if you enter the woods, the camera automatically detects the scene and highlights the green color. Similarly, he can identify the scene when shooting the landscape, and subsequent automatic changes will look good.

The sunburns mentioned above will also work better on these two phones. Their cameras have an extraordinary dynamic range, so they do not just make a big blur, but they can also capture it in full bloom. Well, when recording a stream of climbing or a waterfall, you will again use a special effect called silk water. It increases the shutter of the camera and running water acts as a fuzzy silk fabric

If you are shooting animals, special attention is given to the 3x LOOP and 5X ZOOM hybrid offered by the P20 smartphone Pro. With his help, you can capture more distant animals or insects, and you do not have to approach them with the fear of frightening them. Last but not least, you can enjoy the panorama mode that captures the entire landscape around you

Why photograph with a Huawei smartphone

The answer is very simple – because you can win prizes fantastic. World Competition Huawei Next Image The best picture is awarded for 10,000 EUR! So do not hesitate to download your photos made by Huawei smartphone directly on the site of the contest but do not forget to put them in the correct category – Nature. In addition, Huawei will also award the best Slovak photo

This must be downloaded at the same time to our PHOTOmany where you can find a category and place it in the photo. In addition to rewards in a world competition, you also play the best Slovak photo for which the winner will receive the new Huawei P20 smartphone. In both cases, you can upload photos until August 20, so you have plenty of time to save your best photos for the entire summer.

Huawei has a solution for those who do not have the smartphone of this brand, and they do not want to join the competition. Just fill out the form below and maybe we just need you to get the Huawei P20 or P20 Pro smartphone for a week. This will allow you to discover all his photographic abilities and, as one of the best photomobiles today, you will automatically gain an edge in the competition.
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