McDonald made a gift for the birthday. MacCoin Custom Menu | business


The McDonald's fast food chain will launch the 50th anniversary of Mac Big at Burger Big Mac. The value of a coin corresponds to the price of a Big Mac all over the world.

Big Mac was introduced in 1967 by American Jim Delligatti, owner of the Pennsylvania McDonald's Restaurant. A year later, it spread from the United States.

The Big Mac has become the basis of an international economic indicator, Big Mac index. It was created in 1986 by The Economist editor Pam Woodal, a simple way to compare purchasing power parity. Differences in hamburger selling prices indicate underestimation or, on the contrary, overestimation of national currencies.

Compared to the United States, the Big Mac prize was higher in January of this year in Switzerland, Norway and Sweden.

Customers can get a coin in the United States by buying a Big Mac. Use it to get another Bürger free. McDonald's chief, Steve Easterbrook, said that Thursday was deliberately chosen because the day of Jim Delligatti's birth is that day

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