The European Commission has introduced new rules on the registration of wine quality in the EU, simplifying the process


BRATISLAVA, July 31 ( – Two new European regulations will simplify the process of identifying wines known as "Geographical Indications" (ZO)

. simplified and aligned with other EU food sectors, while responsibilities for changing the product specification will be clarified at national or European level. European Commission (EC) informed in a press release

The process will go to six months

The registration of quality wines will be facilitated by the EC by simplifying the description of the geographical link required in the application. Previously, applicants had to provide details of the geographic area, the properties of the product in relation to the geographic environment and the details of the causal interaction between these two areas. With the new rules, plaintiffs will only have to describe the causal link between the geographical area and the characteristics of the wine

" The responsibility for reviewing the application of the Geographical indications have been simplified in order to avoid the same work being done at national level EU.After a new, the Member State will first examine the demand, while the EC will focus only to the elements related to cross-border issues.Today, this process has lasted several years, now it is six months under the new rules, which greatly reduces this process, "

The possibility of temporary changes

The new rules include the EC and the possibility to grant temporary changes to the product specification.This can be used, for example, in the case of sanitary and phy compulsory sanitation, natural disasters or adverse weather conditions that are formally recognized as preventing the completion of certain production stages in the geographical area

". following the earthquake in the Parmigiano region, the European Commission was allowed to carry out part of the ripening period of the PDO Parmigiano-Reggiano in the vicinity "she adds . () {
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