Leader No Name is opposed to the initiative that Babisha boycotts


Nobody is clean, says Igor Timko of No Name

July 2018 at 19:24 TASR

PRAGUE. No Name leader Igor Timko is clearly defined in the Czech media against the initiative of local singer Tomáš Klus to boycott media and events related to the person of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš or financed by his companies

"If everyone solved, who built the hospital, etc., then we would not go after D1, or go to the hospital or drink water. … "

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Politics versus music [19659007]" So I have my own opinion and the fact that everyone can limit some things – buy clothes that do not cause other damage, buy glass instead of plastic … ", quoted the Slovak singer Expres.cz. According to Tim, people should be respected at every stage

"I respect everyone as having a political opinion, like me, but I ask that he respect mine, that's the principle of reciprocity, "he added.

See also: Stavia on the image of a nice boy. Klus otriasol českou hudební scenou

"Today, everyone can say what he wants and what we wanted: our ancestors, Masaryk and Štefánik, fought 100 years ago for to be a state and we had freedom of speech Everyone says what he wants, so he has to decide for himself how to do this, "said Timko, saying that people should be tolerant towards each other the others because "no one is pure".

"We avoid the direct promotion of any political party, we have received a significant number of offers not only for the promotion but also for active participation, "he said, adding that he was not a political party, I do not want to do it." We are artists, so we do our best, "he said. concluded.

Klusov boykot

Czech composer Tomáš Klus informed in July his decision to boycott all activities Prime Minister Andrey Babis

An artist who has long publicly declared his reservations about the policies and behavior of the Czech Prime Minister, he self-criticized that he is also a member of his own

He realized that his songs appeared in the musical television show Óčko that he even recently gave to his guest that he gave interviews to Mladá fronta Dnes

"There is nothing but to acknowledge his inconsistency, his mistakes and his trial and error because I believe that uncertain weather needs clear opinions," he said in recent days. [196590021] Pesničkára argued, for example, Matěj Ruppert of the Monkey Business Training, Jiří Macháček of Mig 21, as well as the actress Iva Pazderková

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