Spanish Foreign Minister on migrants: we need "new blood"


The situation regarding migration from Africa to Spain is not yet massive, and Europe needs "new blood" to prevent the aging of the population.

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"The expression" mass "is made by the mundane.We should choose the terms with more care.The public is concerned about the non-systemic nature of migration, but the truth is that 600 people are not yet in mass migration, compare, for example, with the 1.3 million Syrian refugees currently admitted to Jordan, "Borrell said at a press conference in Beijing. from a meeting with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ajman Safadi

. 000 people who have arrived in Africa since the beginning of the year

"Democratic changes in Europe show that if we do not want to become a continent full of old people, we need" new blood ". the truth remains that it is unlikely that this "new blood" is caused by our tendency to give birth, "added the Minister.

In addition, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs promised that Spain will help Jordan a country of struggle – a massive influx of refugees from Syria and Palestine

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