Samsung Electronics only wins slightly, the reason is also mobile


However, Samsung is helping to sell memory chips.

Samsung Electronics, a South Korean company, posted a slight increase in profits in the second quarter, as forecast by analysts. The reason was the slowdown in the demand for smartphones in the global market that hit its Galaxy smartphones at a time when Chinese competitors were driving up the pressure

The net profit of Samsung Electronics for three months at the end of June 2018 increased by 39, a single 68% to 10.98 billion won (8.41 billion euros). Analysts expect a gain of 11.6 trillion KRW

Operating profit rose 5.71% to KRW 14.87 billion during the period under review, but the Sales decreased by 4.13% to 58.48 billion KRW

reflects the company's concerns about the growth of its mobile division.

Smartphone makers, including Huawei Technologies and Oppo, are increasing their share of the global market and threaten South Korean companies with a range of products ranging from cheaper TVs to the latest smartphones

"Declining Sales KTB Investment & Securities analysts said in a report that earnings growth should be minimal over the next period due to slowing demand and increased competition [19195000] ( F, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q) .fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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