Kočner goes out for the first time a month in prison: Excitement in court, waiting for a hard fight for freedom


The Banská Bystrica Specialized Criminal Court will deal with the question of whether the controversial entrepreneur will be at liberty or continue to be detained. Kočnera waits for an interview with Romana Púchovský on Wednesday morning. It is the same Púchovský, which once did not take Kočner.

Marián Kočner and Pavol Russia arrive at the Supreme Court

"After reading the contents of the writings and the hearing of the accused, I concluded that the Prosecutor's proposal was not founded " . Topky available. The proposal for the detention of Kocner, as well as the former TV chief Markie Pavla Rusko, who is accused with Kocnero, was filed by the prosecutor Ján Šanta. Šanta is opposed to the decision of Púchovský and the case has ended in the Supreme Court.

Source: Topky.sk

Source: Topky.sk

He took Kočner into custody and left Pavla Ruska for freedom with an electronic bracelet on his feet. Since the decision of the Supreme Court, a month has passed, Kocner was able to apply for the dismissal, which he also did through the intermediary of his lawyers. [196599010] "The sworn prosecutor MK applied for release in the second half of July 19659010] informed Jana Tökölyová, President of the Special Prosecutor's Office

Must meet the conditions

the court also made a written decision on the possibility of replacing a bailiff with a bail or bracelet "This court has not identified any exceptional circumstances in this case that make such a condition conditional on" Kočner himself

Marián Kočner posed in the Supreme Court with journalists

<img src = "https://img.topky.sk/big/2208415.jpg/Najvyssi-sud-Pavol -Rusko-Marian-Kocner.jpg "title =" Kočner vyjde prvıkrát po "alt =" Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar

The Supreme Court emphasized that the accusation is justified in the case of the two accused, as he claimed it and the court of first instance in detention. According to the Supreme Court, the pre-trial detention of the accused Marián Kočner is justified and his conditions have been fulfilled. The public prosecutor, among others, also presented the reasons for which he requested detention.

Markíza in criminal case Daniel Lipšic emphasizes that the compensation of the link (eg in the form of a request) is possible in particularly serious cases crimes only if this is justified by the exceptional circumstances of the case. case. "This may be, for example, co-operation with law enforcement authorities or a significant change in the evidence, but in the case of Marián K. no exceptional circumstances have arisen." [19659004]

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