This console is a time machine


Sony has produced a smaller version of the PlayStation 1 and adapted it today.

PlayStation Classic Console goes on sale December 3, 2018 and will be sold at a price of 99 euros. Includes 20 pre-installed games, two game controls and an HDMI cable for connection to a modern TV. You can of course also connect the console to a monitor or projector, only the HDMI port is required. The connected HDMI cable has a length of 2 meters, the drivers have 1.5 meters of cable.

PlayStation Classic is powered using the supplied USB cable. The adapter is not included in the package, but you can use, for example, your charger from your smartphone or from the USB port of another power-on device. The condition is that it respects the following parameters: 5 V and 1 A output.

PlayStation Classic

Almost perfect copy

The remake of the original console PlayStation 1 is on the face like that a perfect reduced copy. It has the same layout of the elements and there are no slots on the memory cards or the optical drive cover. However, many of these items are for PlayStation Classic only for effect and can not be used or opened. The chassis actually has two ports for connecting the drivers, the HDMI output and the micro USB port. The dimensions of the console are only 149 × 105 × 33 mm, making the device bigger than a bigger hand. It can be easily transferred anywhere, and that's its main advantage. The mini console weighs 170 gramseach of the controls weighs about 140 grams.

PlayStation Classic contains 20 pre-installed games, their list is at the end of the article. Play more games at the console Do not save, at least officially no. If unofficial means appear, the time will be displayed. The selection of games is varied, many titles also support the two-player game, and it is probably the twenty best games that Sony has ever been able to get for remake consoles. Some games will certainly be missed, but licenses are probably the reason for the absence of some cult titles.

About the author

Roman Kadlec

Mobile devices, applications, games and consoles have been the subject of careful monitoring since their launch. I also specialize in operating systems, interesting services, the latest gadgets and future trends. I publish since 2006.

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