The purchase of a living tree is an experience. In these Slovakian cities you can easily rent it


It's still the year when there is a dilemma regarding Christmas trees. Thousands of conifers grew up for years to cut them in our premises and in January, they filled containers.

Many of us wish to spend the Christmas holidays on a living Christmas tree without having to solve the problem of falling needles. You might consider buying a live tree in a flowerpot, but after Christmas you have no place to plant it. Or simply do not have the time, the taste or the strength to dig physically, pick up, carry, carry, tidy a tree and not want Christmas "accessories "(ornaments, pedestals, etc.) took place all year in the house or pub.

At present, there are only three possibilities in Western Slovakia to deal with Christmas tree obligations. Either you buy a torn Christmas tree, but it's a pity that it grows for years, before Christmas takes off, and already during the holidays, the weather starts to dry, fall and after Christmas, it ends up being a sad memory of the container.

The second option is to buy a live tree in a pot. Traders offer trees that grow in the country, but when they are transported in flowerpots, they damage the roots. You needlessly reserve a place in the garden, you get used to stomping and sowing, the tree will not survive in most cases.

Another option is to buy artificial. He is perfectly trained, it is not necessary to take care of him especially, it is enough to leave it of the basement or the ground, to find a pedestal and branches spread out. However, these branches do not necessarily have life and, as they are mainly made of plastic, they eventually end up in the landfill as another plastic waste.

In Bratislava, however, this year saw the first rental of live Christmas trees that will appeal to everyone concerned about the environment. It comes with a new ecological solution – with the possibility of borrowing a growing living tree, which will be supported by operators throughout the year.

"We try to provide our guests with a full service from a selection of trees that they can easily book in the comfort of their own home by submitting a booking form online." the details, we will prepare or decorate the tree and bring it back directly to the house.According to the agreement, we will recover after Christmas after decorating, decorated and prepared a Christmas tree ", described by the service providers.

The rental price also includes the cost of maintaining and storing trees throughout the year. The rent is paid for the entire rental period. By default, the tree is rented from December to January, after an agreement can be purchased or borrowed for a longer period. Rent a height of 190 cm is worth 35 euros. By praising this living tree, you will also support the initiative to preserve the natural wealth of Slovakia. Each rental company spends 1 euro to support We Are Forest.

However, you will find a similar service in Košice. The management of urban greenery offers 100 live spruces for hire. They are planted in pots and Kosice can choose the one that they like. The service will run from December 17th, when the trees will be delivered to customers. Since January 7, they are back. In the trees, it is important that they do not stand near the radiators and it is also forbidden to cut their tops. After Christmas, the spruces are again installed in the beautiful nursery. This project has been in progress for 5 years, interest is growing from year to year and, after the disappearance of the trees, it is dusted after a few hours when it is possible to reserve them. Unfortunately, they can not increase their numbers because they do not have enough cars or employees to deliver.

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