a story about how life came out of the water on the south coast – Daily N


The author is a paleontologist and works in the United Kingdom in Bratislava.

Until now, we do not know for sure if life has developed in the water or deeper in the earth's crust, even if the first opinion is more favorable in the ranks of experts.

This was certainly not on earth – and yet, the number of known species living in the drought is about seventeen times higher than the number of known species inhabiting the aquatic environment.

In the geological past, life had to go from water to dry land. Inmates continued to develop countless life forms, but on Earth there were landed creatures, including men.

However, while humans have appeared on the scene, terrestrial ecosystems have undergone profound changes for millions of years. Many of them have been caused by living organisms themselves.

Breathable atmosphere

A breathable atmosphere is necessary for life on earth. During the last three billion years, that is to say since the time when life was on Earth, it was practically composed of the same ingredients that today, but the proportions of the components were such that the mixture obtained did not breathe.

When green algae and cyanobacteria were subsequently released to release a large amount of molecular oxygen in the atmosphere of the young Earth. Molecular oxygen has been introduced into the atmosphere through photosynthesis, a process capable of converting inorganic substances and carbon dioxide into organic matter and oxygen under the influence of sunlight. Organic substances leave the photosynthetic organism and oxygen in the atmosphere is a byproduct, but it will be a great reminder of the latest creatures that made the first trips.

Previously, the waste was due to cosmic and ultraviolet radiation, mainly absorbed by the ozone layer. Ozone is composed of oxygen atoms and, as such, is kept in the oxygen-ozone cycle. Previously, it only started when the atmosphere had enough molecular oxygen.

They had to deal with the loss of water

All the vital processes of the cell take place in a fluid environment. Terrestrial organisms must therefore deal with the loss of water threatened by drought. Transmission of sexual cells is also possible only through liquid media. So that the animals reproduce far away from the vital fluids, they developed an internal fertilization and finally shellfish eggs that protect the germs from drying out.

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