Danko forced coalition to withdraw strategic documents calling Russia a threat – Denník N


Two days after the resumption of the conflict in Ukraine, the pro-CMR policy of the CIS was another success. Andrei Danko urged the coalition to withdraw from Parliament's proposals for a new security and defense strategy.

Both documents, a year ago, were approved by the government of Robert Fico, Slovakia made an unequivocal appeal to the West, blaming Russia's Putin for annexing Crimea and to have animated the conflict in Ukraine.

For more than a year, CIS has been preventing material from reaching Parliament. Finally, a group of opposition MPs have it inscribed on the agenda of the current meeting. However, coalition members initially decided that the documents would be removed from the program.

What will happen next is not yet clear. The most likely variation is that the government rework them so that the passages with which the IEC does not agree disappear. Until then, the original 2005 strategic documents will remain in effect, which no longer corresponds to the current international environment.

Suggestion of Hrnkov, Chuck de Bugar

Dankov MPs have made it clear in recent weeks that new documents in their current form are not practical on CIS. He warned them that Putin's Russia was called a security threat.

"Yes, imagine that it is Russia." Slovakia is a country that does not need to create enemies

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