A man suspected of terrorism has already escorted us to Ukraine


This was done in cooperation with Interpol.

27. Nov. 2018 or 13:16 SITA

BRATISLAVA, KOŠICE. Officers of the Special Determinations Department of the Presidium of Police Forces, in cooperation with Interpol, escorted Ukraine to Vladimir G.'s international request.

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Police told the Facebook social network that Prime Minister Gábor Gál had made a decision on this in early November.

Vladimir G. was arrested in June in Kosice at the request of Interpol Kiev.

Interpol has confirmed its Ukrainian and Hungarian nationality.

The man had the residence card of an EU citizen residing in the territory of the Slovak Republic.

They operated in the territory of Ukraine

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The lawsuit against him was rendered by the Ukrainian court.

Vladimír G. was searched for suspicion of intentional injury, death threats, illegal capture, hostages, gangsterism, terrorism, assaults on state agents and theft. Other crimes.

In 2014 and 2015, Vladimir G., together with other persons, constituted a criminal group and committed a series of particularly serious crimes in the territory of Ukraine.

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