Grants for electric cars should be maintained under the new electromobility plan


The Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic has finally submitted a proposal for a new plan to support electromobility in Slovakia. It contains 16 measures and entitled "Plan of Action for the development of electromobility in the Slovak Republic". What can we all expect?

Direct subsidies for electric cars

The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (MoH SR) wants to set up a first project of direct financial support for the purchase of electric cars and plug-in hybrids. This means that we should wait for financial subsidies. The direct aid project is expected to be implemented between 2019 and 2020. Grants should also apply to vehicles in category L7e, i. small metal vehicles with 4 wheels, "Heavy Quads".

Support for load infrastructure

The grant program will also cover the construction, reconstruction and reconstruction of charging stations. Its goal is to develop the charging infrastructure for rechargeable vehicles to the extent necessary. The direct support of shippers should contribute to their multiplier by 2020 (currently 192).

year plan
Performance of the output station
at 22 kW more than 22 kW Stojanov together
(moderate) (Quick)
2016 50 30 80
2017 100 40 140
2018 200 80 280
2019 400 120 520
2020 600 150 750
2025 1,200 300 1,500

Building loaders to build parking spaces

In the context of the construction of new non-residential buildings or their major reconstruction, it is planned to build (at least one) compulsory charging stations in the respective car parks, provided that more than 10 parking spaces are provided for the building. At the same time, it is envisaged to secure the pipes for the subsequent installation of charging points for at least one of the five parking spaces under predetermined assumptions.

Build loaders in the car parks of public institutions

Charging stations should also be available in the parking lots of the public administration offices, provided that it has public parking spaces.

SPF special "green"

Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids should receive state-of-the-art special registration plates. Their purpose is to distinguish the type of vehicle mentioned above to allow homeowners to enjoy various benefits. For example, the use of lanes for public transport, which avoids traffic jams of drivers.

spz electromobiles hybrid sr zelena

Color differentiated SPE design for electric vehicles. Source: MH SR

Support for battery production in Slovakia

Slovak and European industries want to be competitive even in the development and production of batteries for electric cars and energy storage facilities. That is why the European Battery Alliance, as well as the Slovak Battery Alliance, are part of it. The Slovak Alliance is also a member of the Ministry of Defense, which included it in its plan of action.

Information campaign

Competent also understood that without the swing in the field of electromobility, we will not go too far. Electromobility is about to promote the resort through various events, as well as its own news site. It should include comprehensive consumer information and a database of charging stations in Slovakia.

Accelerated depreciation of electric vehicles

Electric cars should also benefit from preferential depreciation and that "Introduction of a new group depreciation with a period of amortization of 2 years or introduction of accelerated depreciation for electric cars only in the depreciation group 1. "

Other measures:

  • Maximum reduction of taxes and fees related to the operation of an electric car.
  • Apply the principles of green purchasing when buying motor vehicles.
  • Support for the creation of low emission areas and associated benefits of "green" services – accessibility for taxi services or electric vehicle providers.
  • Simplify the administrative process for the construction of load infrastructure.
  • Adaptation of the electrotechnical qualification for the production and maintenance of electric vehicles.

"The action plan for the development of electromobility in the Slovak Republic" must now be the subject of interministerial comment procedures, which must ultimately be approved by the government. We think this will happen in its entirety.

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Source: Draft plan of action for the development of electromobility in the RS, photo title: MH SR

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