For Christmas, we can also eat more healthily


Potato salad can be replaced by a healthy alternative: pumpkin and pumpkin salad.

During the Christmas holidays, healthy eating is also possible, says nutrition consultant Martina Dvorakova. Lying a very similar Christmas class can be prepared with fewer sugars and more protein, according to her words, and can be taken care of in their Christmas dishes.

An alternative to potato salad may be pumpkin-pumpkin salad. "The batats have a lower sugar content and do not have such a high glycemic index.This means that you will not be so tired after the meal and you will not want to give something sweet, for example", said Dvorakova.

On the Christmas menu, there was no mushroom soup or vanilla beans prepared from almond flour and spelled. They used vanilla protein milk in their preparation and were wrapped in dried soymilk. Representatives of the company proposing foods adapted to ketone-based diets also presented other recipes for Christmas desserts with lower sugar content.

"Christmas cakes do not need to eat constantly, but use them for example to drive to the cafe," explained Dvořáková. According to him, it is also appropriate to offset the sweets by any movement, such as a walk in the afternoon.

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