European stock markets rose Monday


European stock markets rose earlier this week. This is why the dispute between Italy and the European Union (EU) was released, as well as rising oil prices. Early in the evening, Wall Street was also in the street.

The German key index, Dax, improved 1.45% on Monday and closed at 11,354.72 points, continuing its progression since the end of last week.

The main French index, the CAC 40, rose 0.97% to 4994.98 points. The Italian FTSE MIB jumped 2.77% to 19,233.45. The British FTSE 100 gained 1.20% to 7036 points.

The EuroStoxx 50 euro zone blue chip index represented 1.13%, closing at 3172.71 points. The pan-European Stoxx Europe 600 rose by 1.23% to 358.33 points and the European FTSEurofirst 300 index by 1.25% to 1411.09 points.

Investors' mood improved on Monday as Italian Deputy Prime Ministers Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio took a more relaxed tone and expressed their willingness to negotiate with the EU the amount of the upcoming budget deficit. This was supported in particular by the Italian but also European bank securities.

Early in the evening, Wall Street also moved. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, at 19:30, was up 0.96% to 24,519.06 points. The broad S & P 500 rose 1.05% to 2660.20 points and the Nasdaq Composite technology index was 1.34% to 7031.76.

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