They went a long way to denounce the deportation of the Jews. This was the first installment of the film


The director of the great story is Peter Bebjak.

BRATISLAVA. They left the concentration camp and wrote a report. A film about two young Slovak Jews, who managed to escape from the Osvienčim concentration camp, is coming soon to Slovak cinemas.

Read also: Director Bebjak: Crack is an experiment that works in the world (interview)

The Picture Report is an adaptation of the book What Dante Did not See Alfred Wetzer. Originally published in 1964 in the form of a fictional author's report and its co-author, Walter Rosenberg.

The first part has fallen in recent days. Peter Bebjak has taken over

"This film is an extraordinary subject for us and I am convinced that it is important not to forget the horrors that took place in Auschwitz and not to forget everything that seems to me to be of a non nature. inhumane, "said producer Rasťo Šesták of DNA Production.

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They saved thousands of other lives

The cast is composed of Polish, German, Czech and Luxembourg actors. The main tasks include Noel Czuczor (Freddy) and Peter Ondrejička (Valér).

On April 7, 1944, Alfred Wetzler and Walter Rosenberg were hiding in a wooden place. Three days later, after escaping from the prisoners, they escaped from the shelter at night and crossed the Slovakian border through the birch forest.

They went to Zilina for more than ten days of walking. Between 25 and 28 April, they denounced the so-called "Jewish working committee on what is happening in Auschwitz." They obtained false documents on the names of Jozef Lánik and Rudolf Vrba, which they then used as literary pseudonyms.

The Wetzer and Vrba administration is a 32-page account of this testimony, translated into other languages ​​and handed over to Western authorities to prevent further deportations of Jews. It also included sketches of Osvienci and Brzezin, the crematorium or the gas chamber.

You can read the excerpt from Wetzer and Vrba News on the PN page.

Actors on the other side of the border

The escape story of the two men being extremely strong, the film should also take place abroad. He also appeared in the production, with several foreign actors filming with director Peter Bebjak.

Wojciech Mecwaldovsky (Kozlowski) will also be able to see the Slovakian viewers of the Second Chance and Správná Agata series. Jacek Beller (Herzek) and Kamil Nozynski (Juzek) appeared this year in the HBO series Blinded by the Lights, and Aleksander Mincer, who has appeared in several Italian productions, also appeared in the famous film The Passion of Christ (2004) .

Three of the German actors Christopher Bach, Lars Rudolph and Florian Panzner will be best known to fans of crime scenes.

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