Anyone who has his place escapes from Fica under the name Kažimir – Denník N


The news has been selected and commented by Tomáš Gális

1. Mutual agreement, no independence

Under normal circumstances, the information would be the replacement of the governorship The National Bank of Slovakia caused a sensation only in a small group of economists and economic journalists. However, Jozef Makúch's announcement that the NBS will run until late February is beyond this heading.

The secret to leave. It is not only that Makúch, who has become the only man in the governorship for the second term, prematurely puts an end to the context in which he does so. For example, always he reported in Septemberthat it would be better to elect a new governor before the parliamentary elections, which justified the fear that the NBS would not interfere with political differences.

An important circumstance is that the current Finance Minister, Peter Kažimir, is interested in this post. in Julywhen he started writing about it, he was still missing, but after Macouch's announcement, he had already openly admitted that he would show up.

It is the question of who Kazimir – if he becomes governor – replaces the head of the finance department. Up to now, only two possible names have appeared: the chairman of the Parliament's Finance Committee, Ladislav Kamenický, member of Smer's management, and the former head of the financial administration, František Imrecze.

And there is also the second mystery, namely that we did not learn from the NBS press release, even the official reason for Makúch's decision.

Independence only on paper. The simplest explanation is therefore that we are witnessing the conclusion of a longer-term agreement aimed at placing even more "at least" the European ambitions of Peter Kažimir, who was once in power. And to get there in time, there is a parliament that would be willing to elect the vice president of a government party to a function normally held by personalities without party membership.

Of course, there is always a president who does not have to be governed by the decision of Parliament, but Kashimir within the NBS will probably be a much less important issue for Andrey Kisak than the rotating deputies whose NR SR were elected candidates for the constitutional judiciary.

In addition to knowing the independence of the outgoing governor, it is important that, at least in this respect, the formal independent function does not function in such a way as to make the designation independent.

Perhaps even more important is the question of how it will be for Kažimir. As governor of the SNB, no government person or party has ever left us. Although the National Bank does not have the same powers as before the euro, it remains an important control institution, which oversees, for example, the financial market and has also influenced it.

At the same time, because of his professional experience, he can prove to be a very good opponent of these governments, who tend, for example, to promise and spend more than they could, but also (very few) governments that, for ideological reasons, cut, even if it may damage it. If Kashmir becomes governor,

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