MEPs will not discuss defense or security strategy – Home – News


27.11.2018 15:11, updated: 15:49

Anton Hrnko

Chairman of the National Security and Defense Committee, Anton Hrnko.

Author: .

The members of the National Council of the Slovak Republic will not finally negotiate at this meeting the draft defense strategy and the draft security strategy of the Slovak Republic, approved by the government a year ago. Opposition representatives were introduced at the plenary assembly, but Anton Hrnko, vice president of SNS, believes that this can only be done by the Cabinet. On his proposal, most MPs rejected these two negotiating documents.

Eduard Heger (OĽaNO) did not succeed with his proposal. He asked
the Parliament has proceeded in accordance with the regulations of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
the duration of trading days. Heger does not like the third meeting after
negotiations are prolonged, lunch breaks are shortened and discussed
also on monday. "The course of the meeting was speeding up." It's a dehonestie
Parliament, "he said.

Milan Krajniak (We Family) asked in vain not to participate in the program
plenary deliberations drafted a government amendment to the law on employment services,
which aims to promote the employment of third-country nationals. «In Trnava
the temporary work agency did not pay a few months salary
700 Serbs. Not only did the Slovaks lose good wages because we were cheap
labor force outside the EU but, moreover, the government wants to solve this problem
to deepen by submitting an amendment that imports cheap labor.
from the outside of the EU makes things easier, "he added.

At the same time, the nationalist hampers the image of Russia as an enemy

"I would be very happy if SR had a valid strategy,
the way he wants to raise opposition is not legal, "he said.
Cup. The defense strategy was developed by the Department of Defense, the Ministry of Security
foreign Affairs. "I've personally done a lot to make sure
the strategy appeared. Unfortunately, in the middle of the day, people hit the side
took our secretary of state and made this proposal which was
outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "said Hrnko, but
more accurate if not wanted.

At the same time, he admitted that CIS had a content problem, even though 98%
the text is in agreement.

Nationalists are forbidden to present Russia in the text
enemy. What concrete part prevents Hrnka, he did not say. " Small
the state as RS is not right considering our experience this way
make. We do not need to make enemies. Slovakia clearly said
their relations with Kosovo, Ossetia, Abkhazia and Crimea. I have this opinion
I have no problem. The second thing is that they do not have such strategies
to create hostility, "he said, so he is himself the next step
suggests that the Department of Diplomacy revises the security strategy
experts from the IEC.

The coalition threatens the defense of the republic, says the opposition

Government coalition threatens defense and security of Slovakia
citizens. This is supported by the opposition parties of SaS and OLEn.

MEP Gábor Grendel (OĽaNO) stressed that strategies are being prepared
experts funded by the Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs and the Government
approved unanimously. "Even the CIS ministers who are blocking today
discuss documents in Parliament. If he blocks the coalition until he
elections, we will come to the stage where these new versions will no longer be available
current, "he warned.

According to Grendel, however, it is hoped that the documents will finally be discussed.
"Because the coalition parties make fun of it, management and CIS are essential
contrary to the law on the police ", he commented.He struck the Galves here
an amendment that makes it easier than government material
the recruitment process of a new police chief. This proposal was earlier
went to the committee of the National Defense Committee for Defense and Security through him
In addition to the opposition, the Chairman of the Hrnko Committee also lent his support. Grendel, after that
the departure of the committee's journalists sparked a quarrel between ex-minister Robert Robert
Calcium (smooth) and honey.

The Slovak Government approved both strategies unanimously in October
2017. The defense strategy of the Slovak Republic is a document in the field of defense of the state.
The submission of its proposal to the parliament provides for a law on defense. After her
approval will already be the third defense strategy since the establishment of the independent RS.
The 2005 strategy is at the heart of the RS's concerns as a NATO and EU member state
focusing on meeting commitments and effectively exploiting opportunities
offers membership of these international organizations.

The security strategy is a public security document
state policy. Replacement has an approved security policy
September 27, 2005. New document reflects the interdependence of internal networks
the external dimension of security and therefore the need for a comprehensive approach
security policy. A key element of the document is continuity
pro-European and pro-Atlantic orientation of the security policy of the Slovak Republic,
based on a broad political consensus.

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