PHOTO Ex-wife Rob Papp Eva Lučenice will not guarantee you! PREGO, is it the fact that she is?


Eva and Robo Pappovci at the time of their marriage.

Eva Papp Lučeničová (42) is also known for her famous family name, once, with a couple with Rob Papp (36). The couple separated in the fall of 2015 and left 15 years later. Today, everyone lives their life, but ex-husbands will always associate their daughter Isabella (8). Brunette has been on television for a long time, and maybe not many people will know her …

Eva Lučenicova received an invitation to the Supermama session a few days ago, where the issue of abortion was raised. Unfortunately, ex-wife Rob Eva Papp has already experienced this experience. She was therefore one of the mothers to remember these terrible situations of life. "I have aborted in my life two and a third pregnancy.I'm a child, a girl, born prematurely.It was difficult, the first time that it is a shock, we feel that c & rsquo; Is the worst that has happened to him in life but when something worse happens, then forgets it for the first time, then solves the next one, which is even worse. aggravated because a child born prematurely, you do not know whether he will live or not what will happen, so fear my mother was even bigger, so I forgot what she was before, to that's when it's always the worst thing that will happen to you, but then, of course, it goes away, " Papp revealed openly in Supermama's joke relay.

Eva Lučenicova a few years ago.

Eva Lučenicova a few years ago.


He could not fail to notice wrong image. Eve, in the past years of long hairbut she had a period during which she shortened her shoulder and a few years ago, she cut them even more. The short hairstyle has remained faithful to this daybut he was too stiff in front of his eyes and as if he was suddenly more than 10 years old. It is no secret, as Eve acknowledged in the above story, that after the birth of her daughter, Izabella, she survived hell, which apparently claimed her tax after years. ..

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