Even the giants are sometimes cut! These are the 10 biggest Google product errors


When we look at Google's portfolio, we see some high-performing, world-class products. Gmail, YouTube, Android, Maps … We could continue like this. Even a big giant like Google has sometimes seized and made several mistakes. So, the next time you do something, remember that even the most successful companies do not do everything that they think they are.

Google Web Accelerator

2005 – 2008

This tool should help speed up Internet browsing by retrieving websites faster. The problem was that the Web accelerator was filled with errors such as the impossibility of loading YouTub videos. The company finally ended with his support.

Google Video

2005 – 2009

YouTube as such was born in 2005 and its popularity has exploded. Of course, Google noticed and decided to create a similar project – Google Video. However, their program was far from attracting such interest. In Google, they said that YouTube would prefer to buy and since 2006, YouTube has joined this company.

source: Google


2007 – 2012

Jaiku's microblogging platform was created in Finland and Google bought it in 2007. It wanted to compete with Twitter, a thriving site. Just like Google Video and Jaiku, users have been very unpopular, preferring Twitter. In 2009, Jaiku stopped developing the company and, in 2012, completely closed the project.

source: wikipedia.org

Google Answers


Google Answers, as well as the translation of another product not sold, helped answer specific questions. Instead of searching, you have for example entered "when creating the first computer" and then the amount you would be willing to pay for the answer. Researchers could earn between $ 2 and $ 200 per search. However, this has not been a great success for users.

source: wikipedia.org

Google Lively


This service has not been heated for so long between users. Google launched it in July 2008 and closed at the end of the year. Lively was a virtual world where you could meet friends and strangers – something like Second Life. Google said the game was a success, but they decided to focus on search, ads and business apps.

source: youtube.com / Google



Google has also tried to compete with Wikipedia. Knol should be a place where people can learn and add articles on a wide range of topics. He even used the same font as Wikipedia. However, even in this case, Google did not work.

Google X


Google X was an alternative to Google search. He did the same thing, he just looked different. The search terms are spelled out in categories from which users can choose. In fact, there was only one day – May 16, 2005. Still that day, the company closed it.

source: Google

Nexus Q

The Nexus Q is one of the projects that never succeeded. His job was to stream music from Google Music and YouTube videos, like Amazon Fire TV or Google Chromecast. He was particularly interested in the original round design. At the 2012 conference, they introduced $ 299, which seemed too much, and the Nexus Q was not even sold.

source: Google

Google Glass


Even with smart glasses, Google has not worked. Google Glass was introduced in 2012, and you've already seen digital information such as calls or emails. Because of the price of $ 1,500 a pair, some software errors, and the fact that they did not look very attractive, they did not find a solution for many customers. The problem was probably that Google had decided to imagine the glasses too early, but that it could succeed in the future with something similar.

source: Tim Reckmann | wikipedia.org


2011 – today

The Google+ social network, which is a direct competitor of Facebook, was introduced in 2011. It is true that it still exists, but Google is closing it slowly and should definitely disappear from the Internet by the end of 2019. The reason The main thing is to not allow users who have remained loyal to the blue social network.

source: plus.google.com

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