Kollar has conditions. If their Smer-SD fails, the pension ceiling will not go away


Boris Kollar seems to decide the ceiling of retirement. Source: TASR / Martin Baumann

BRATISLAVA – The vote on the retirement ceiling will be exciting. On the eve of the start of the meeting of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, on which the draft constitutional law on the retirement age of the Smer-SD workshop should be pronounced, it is necessary to It is not clear that the plenary will take it. It takes up to 90 votes to support it. The Most-Hide coalition has already announced in advance that its support for the law would not be. Smer-SD can only rely on the support of a CIS coalition partner, and the remaining votes must go to opposition. OREA has already said no. But to support him, we have a family in the plan. However, there is a condition.

The amendment to the Smeru-SD workshop proposes to take the retirement age to 64 years. Social Democrats want to prevent people from retiring at a disproportionate age. However, according to Igor Matovič, president of the OĽaNO movement, this adjustment would cost us a lot of money and ordinary citizens will not support it. "Tomorrow Parliament will vote on the most important law of the era of the independent Slovak Republic", said Igor Matovic, the press conference today. Subsequently, the public reconsidered his proposal. It would allow people to retire after 40 years of work. According to the calculations proposed by Matovic, his proposal is much more profitable. "Robert Fico sends us to Greece" Matovic said.

The survey clearly says

Matovičovci also communicated to the press the results of the Focus investigation. He addressed both proposals and unequivocally demonstrated that Robert Fico's proposal did not have such public support. At least not in comparison with Matovič's proposal.

"We want to invite Smer, SNS, SNS and We are a family not to do something that is contrary to the views of voters and the interests of retirees," said Igor Matovič at the end of the meeting.

Everything is in the hands of Kollar

The movement We are the family of Boris Kollar, but apparently we do not withdraw from the law. He is ready to go out, but he has conditions. "Until now, we think that if our comments are approved, we are tempted to support it.The condition is that a mother for every child can retire a year and a half earlier." , said for Glob.sk Boris Kollar. However, if their comments are not received by law, they will not vote.

It is precisely the votes of our family members that are decisive in this case. The numbers are clear. The approval of the constitutional law requires the support of at least 90 members. The Coalition Most-Hide Act of the coalition does not provide support, plus Smer-SD must seek support in the opposition. In addition to the CIS coalition, only LSNS votes are currently certain. Another opposition party to the SaS is fundamentally opposed.

Even with Kollar's support, however, it's not so certain. Management is still in progress and, according to the latest information, only one or two votes are missing.

Fight in the second row

Unless the law is passed by Parliament, it is likely that a referendum will be oversubscribed. The trade unionists of OZ KOVO have gathered the necessary signatures to his appeal. According to the latest information, more than 200,000 signatures have been collected. Robert Fico, president of the Smer-SD party, has already announced that the party would openly support him.

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