Menopausal women do not have to worry about hormone therapy with estrogen


No type of alternative treatment for the climacteric syndrome is as effective as the biologically identical estrogens of the available drugs.

Bratislava, Nov. 28 (TASR) – Estrogen-based hormone therapy may help postmenopausal women solve their problems with the climacteric syndrome. These include hot flushes, urinary disorders, muscle and joint pains, anxiety or sleep disturbances. They reduce the quality of life of women facing the onset of restrictions.

The chief expert of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and President of the Society for Menopause and Andropause, Miroslav Borovský, "Experts prescribed a menopausal hormone treatment (MHL) at the age of 60 years reduce until the complete elimination of the unpleasant symptoms of the climacteric syndrome, also act as prevention of the disease. Osteoporosis, colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression. " He added that just for "Demonization" hormone therapy, we currently have an increased number of women with older chronic diseases.

According to Borovski, women with medical complications are often a recommended alternative treatment in the form of teas and nutritional supplements containing phytoestrogens. He emphasized, however, that no alternative treatment for the climacteric syndrome was as effective as the biologically identical estrogens of the available drugs. The hormonal treatment prescribed by the expert reduces the frequency of symptoms by 75% and their intensity by 87%. The data also apply to women after removal of the uterus.

If menopause occurs before the age of 45 or 40, women are at high risk of dementia and mental illnesses that affect mood and emotions, according to Borovsky. "Menopausal estrogen-containing hormone therapy is the most effective form of treatment for vasomotor symptoms and urogenital atrophy, which forces women to face an urgent emergency and are more susceptible to urinary tract infections," he explained.

In addition, MHL improves memory and mood, alleviates sleep disorders, relieves muscle and joint pain, prevents osteoporosis, rectal cancer, type 2 diabetes, and possibly coronary heart disease. Alzheimer's dementia. Borovsky told women that they did not have to suffer from climacteres because they now had modern, effective means and therapies that also had positive side effects.

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