The cruel message for the actor Pomeje: The dangerous CRAWL is back!


Pomeja suffered from longer bone and joint pain, but he did not want to attribute it to illness. Unfortunately, it turned out that the reason was exactly what he did not want. "How did he get it, he does it, he's back in that hard fight with this bitch," told a great friend, a film producer, in an interview for The Awakening of Actors Pavel Pásek. He visits him at the hospital as much as he can.

Jiří Pomeje is worried for the other months, tries again to fight against cancer and agrees to his ex-wife for his daughter.

Jiří Pomeje is worried for the other months, tries again to fight against cancer and agrees to his ex-wife for his daughter.


The rabbit immediately decided to deal with the disease. This time, he did not resign, unlike laryngeal cancer, but everything immediately agreed with the doctor. As Pacek added, the doctors decided, this treatment will start with the irradiation. This actor will not be under radiotherapy, he is hospitalized. "Jirka greets everyone, and I ask him a lot, calm him, and he really needs him to fight this bitch."he asked the friend of the actor.


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