VIDEO: The Végh vs. Uemo, the UFC will certainly not be


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Since last weekend, a UFC tournament (Ultimate Fighting Championship) will be held at the end of February. But nothing is officially confirmed yet. Nevertheless, behind the scenes of the Czechoslovak MMA, the battle of Attila Végha and Karlos Vémol begins to explode.

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However, it is unlikely that the expected match will occur in the UFC tournament. "Attila and I can say with certainty that this fight will not take place on the UFC," he said for Š Oktagon MMA promoter Pavol Neruda.

"While Oktagone will be the main match of the evening, with a promotion of a few years, the UFC will only be one of the matches" Neruda continued.

"We want the fight because Karlos and Attila are great warriors, they deserve to be completely downgraded in a separate tournament, Oktagone let them stand out to the point where they can get the most out of it, and last but not least. the least, especially the fans will come to theirs. "

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The opposite is the opinion of a Czech fighter who would strongly like to fight against Attila Vega under the guidance of the UFC in Prague for several reasons.

"People can talk about Buchinger, they can talk about Deák, but for me it's still the biggest champion of Slovakia, Attila Végh, and that's what I promised the fan . "

"And it's like that, I'm going back to the UFC, I'm going to sell the O2 Arena and I'm going to plant Attila Vega, then I'll be immortal and I'll be able to retire," declared Karlos Vemola for Š


Karlos Vemola

Karlos Vemola


The biggest problem in this case is that both fighters are spoken in different organizations. While Karlos Vemola is fighting under the XFN, Attila Végh "belongs" to the Oktagon MMA.

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"I understand that in the Czech Republic, it would be better for us to fight against foreigners and sell together the Czechoslovak MMA.But I promised the fan.And when not at the UFC, this It will probably never happen, because Pavol Neruda will never be willing to accept the XFN, they are willing and after the new year they will present two offers to Oktagon, either they will buy Attila Végha from Oktagon, or I will offer them buy it, "says Karol Vemol.

The fight of the two players could wait for us during the next year. According to the agreement of the two organizations. However, the UFC in Prague could nevertheless imagine the two, plus other Slovak fighters.

"We are doing everything to show Attila Végh, we have certainly let him go and we support him to go," says Pavol Neruda.

"Tomáš Deák deserves the maximum, however, there is a problem with the weight, but ironically, it is easier with the weight with which Attila Végh struggles, even though it is too hot. He hopes that Tomas will find his opponent, because he was not there, it would be a big disappointment, "added Pavol Neruda.

But we must still think of something essential. The UFC has officially confirmed nothing and, if nothing is written, the UFC in Prague still does not have to happen.

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