AKTUÁLNE Snehové komplikácie na cestách: VIDEO Autá končí mimo vozovku


Green Wave Traffic Service and the public on social networks report that dozens of cars have gone off the road. Therefore, be extremely careful on the road and adjust its condition.

Current situation

5:00 pm – KONIEC ONLINE: Thank you for monitoring the situation on Slovak roads.

4:45 p.m. – The fire brigade of Kosice has published on the social network photographs that they took today on the roads of Eastern Slovakia.

4:15 p.m. – Green Wave traffic service twitters get traffic information. The mud is located between Spišská Belá and Stará Ľubovňa, as well as between Hruštín and Námestovo or at the D1 of Branisko – Chminianska Nová Ves. At the Vrchslatina pass between Hriňová and Lom nad Rimavicou, the snow is depressed. In addition, they report snow tongues, these drivers worry about Záborský and Nižná Šebastová on the clear sections of the roads.

Illustrative picture.

AKTUÁLNE They started with snow

Source: TASR

3:55 p.m. – There were six road accidents and eighteen casualties in the Prešov region. "We have not had a tragic accident or a serious accident." At the moment, all roads in the country are in the race " Prešov police spokesman Daniel Džobanik approached him.

3:45 p.m. – Despite the fact that they reported on social networks delays and Železničná společnost Slovensko, they were not related to the climate. "Today, ZSSK does not record further the impact of weather conditions on passenger railways", Spokesman Tomáš Kováč said.

3:38 p.m. – Slovak Lines, which provides regional bus services in the Bratislava region, also experienced a number of delays, particularly from Senec and Šamorín. However, spokeswoman Eva Vozarova said that it was difficult to say whether it was under the influence of weather or other causes, for example on the road.

Neoplan Jetliner C

Source: Jozef Vydra

"Unfortunately, delays in traffic are already the rule, but today, delays are very important – at least an hour and a half." At around 10 am, the situation gradually improved and the buses began to circulate according to schedule ", the spokeswoman said. She added that the bus tip is restarting and the bus is waiting again. "Specific directions from Bratislava to Šamorín about 15 minutes, direction Senec and Pezinok until 10 minutes towards Záhorie, bus without further delay," " He informed.

3:30 p.m. – As informed Jana Mésarová, police spokeswoman of Kosice, in the morning, no road accident has been recorded in the territory of Košice, compared to another ordinary day. The police did not see any tragic traffic accident.

3:03 p.m. – In the afternoon, you will stay in front of Sencom towards Viničný. The traffic service informs that a crash of overhead has occurred.

2:35 p.m. – In Košice, on Moyzes Street, towards Steel Arena, a bus with a car. The collision occurred shortly after 13 hours.

2:05 p.m. – In addition to snow or rain drivers, other traps also hurt. On the way to Martin at the service station at the beginning of Vrútok, around 11 o'clock, the cows moved. Between Rozhanovcami and Čižatice, in the district of Košice-okolie, they report oil deposits on the road, according to the drivers.

1:45 p.m. – View of the Kosice road towards Slanec. Off the road, the van has also come to an end.

1:15 p.m. – Before going to Beautiful, they report another road accident. Commentators of the social network say that in the section of heavy vehicles, some cars have ended, as evidenced by the photos published. Košice police spokeswoman Jana Mésarová confirmed this later. "On the I / 16 road in the section Jablonov nad Turňou – Dvorníky / between the district of Rožňava and the surroundings of Košice / and on the road II / 552 in the section Košice Krásna – Hutka, a strong wind was reported which complicated traffic mainly by vans and trucks, " clarified.

Accident on the road for flights

Source: Facebook / Transport Department KE, KS: Emanuel Olsavsky

1:10 p.m. – Light snow is particularly troublesome for the road, especially for the driver of the truck. The shuttle truck is reported on the Hnilčk – Mlynky road in the district of Spišská Nová Ves.

1:04 p.m. – The public transport of the city serves the capital without major problems. "Sending DPB, a., Records delays of up to 10 minutes in the city center, as well as arrivals in the city due to the impermeability of communications", informed DPB spokeswoman Adriana Volfová.

12:02 – The routes to Zemplín are endemic. In the morning, a traffic accident occurred in Humennom. There was a truck with two personal cars. According to Michal Kráľ, head of the Michigan Road Administration in the autonomous region of Košice, the roads are currently wet in the area they cover. "All is well, six pickers," he said. the situation is close to the fact that snow and wind blow in places.

11:50 – The problematic sections include Pezin Baba. The traffic service reports here several accidents, the journey is difficult to drive and it is recommended to avoid it.

11:48 – Marián Barilla, responsible for the administration and maintenance of roads in the Prešov region for the Poprad region, indicated that the excursions in the Tatier region are mainly wet and have reported no problem in Vernári. In the past 24 hours, 22 greaseers have pumped 637 kilometers of roads and other sections have been modified with a chemical or inert material.

11:46 The Mountain Pass Verneer for Trucks has closed the call. The reason is heavy snow and a strong breeze. "There is still a lot of snow on the road and a strong wind is blowing in. The trucks were in trouble at night and it was still there during the day, so we decided to call the traffic police until the next day. closing doors for freight. " said the head of the administration and maintenance of roads in the Prešov region for the region of Poprad, Marián Barilla.

10:41 – The biggest snowfall in eastern Slovakia is due to snow. The van was away behind Prešov.

10:30 – After Drien, you are currently alternating in a lane. The car was found on the roof.

9:35 – The snow also came from the Pusty Poles towards Kamenice, where the driver did not succeed either.

9:28 On the social network, drivers were informed of the slippery road to Námestovo in the direction of Vavreček. The drivers had to leave the vehicle.

Before Vavrecka's

Source: Facebook / Police patrols and accidents ORAVA

9:23 – Kosice was ruled by the traffic police.

9:20 – The snowmobiler also demanded a tax from the management of Preš from Kapušian. The drivers told the vehicle to leave the road.

7:10 – Strong wind and snow on the road – he also suffered an accident near the metropolitan part of Košice Krásna.

The accident happened too

Source: Facebook / Marta D.P.

6:20 – Outside the snowy road, the truck has stopped.

6:17 – The snow shook the pilots between Štós and Smolník, east of Slovakia. The roads are snowy and quite slippery.

6:08 – In the early morning, the car was away behind the Hodkovci.

The Stellacentrum informs in the afternoon that all monitored motorways and expressways are congested. However, drivers should be careful because the road surface is wet to wet. In section D1 Branisko – Chminianska Nová Ves, the snow path is reduced to 1 centimeter.

Routes I, II. and III. the classes are also outgoing. Especially in the eastern part of Slovakia, the pavement covers a layer of fresh snow and slush within a radius of 3 centimeters. "On the third class roads in the neighborhoods of Bardejov and Lenartov up to 10 cm", says the Stellacentrum. You will also cross the mountain passes where it has also snowed.

However, be cautious around Dobšin and Vernár, where the snow cover is richer and problematic. On the D1 in the areas of Štrba, Poprad and Široká – Prešov, it is snowy, accompanied by a windy wind. Supervision is reduced to 100 meters. The area around Kežmarok, where snow-covered roads are located, is also critical.

We will update the message.

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