Pellegrini pushes Lajcak to stay


"I will try to convince him to defend the interests of the state, the national interests before his own," said the prime minister.

Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini wants to do everything possible to prevent the Slovakian diplomat Miroslav Lajčák from fulfilling his threats and leaving the government.

Lajčák announced last week that if the National Council did not recommend him to attend the Moroccan conference on the migration of marakis in December, the Minister of Foreign Affairs would end. However, according to the Prime Minister, Lajčák should promote the interests of the state at the expense of his personal interests.

"I will do everything to keep Minister Lajčák behind, as Slovakia will chair the OSCE, we have the presidency of the OECD and the V4." If my government lost such an important diplomat, it would be a shame " , said Pellegrini today to the government.

"I will try to convince him to defend the interests of the state, the national interests to the detriment of his personal interests," he added.

But the minister always insists on his. Even today, he confirmed that his decision had not changed after the conviction of Pellegrini.

Pellegrini: It's free

"I think what I say and say what I think, I do not fight with them, but I want to be in agreement with my conscience," he told the Prime Minister.

When asked if former Prime Minister Robert Fico could replace him, he did not want to answer. "These are speculations," he says.

Pellegrini also reiterated today that he would not send anyone to Marakesa if he could only sign up so that we could sign the pact on migration.

At the same time, however, he stated that the analysis he had made showed that the overall UN framework for migration was not a legally binding document and that the Slovakia should not bind anything.

"Today, we are only considering whether we will present our reservations anyway, we must realize that if we do not go, there will be a conference that will not mention Slovakia. let's send our position in writing or if we specify it, but today it does not matter if someone goes there, "he concluded.

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