Space Shuttle Soyuz carries a crew of three men to the ISS


Soyuz should cast anchor in Russian ISS module on Friday afternoon

Moscow, 19 October (TASR) – A Russian spacecraft, the Sojuz MS-02, with a team of three men heading for the International Space Station (ISS), has been launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakstan. Rossiya TV 24 reported.

The spacecraft will be transported to the orbital base of two Russian cosmonauts, Sergey Ryzkov and Andrey Borisenik, as well as their American colleague Shane Kimbrough.

The Sojuz-FG was launched on orbit, which started in Bajkonur according to schedule at 10:05 pm.

The original departure date was September 23, but Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, resigned due to a technical problem.

Soyuz should be anchored on the Russian ISS module on Friday afternoon, said TASS.

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