Election results to be verified: Unsuccessful candidates request recount of votes


The complainant, by filing with the ,S, contests the outcome of the elections to the Novak mayor, notably for the difference of ten votes between him and the elected candidate. He also justified his arguments, claiming that the Mayor's Electoral Commission (MVK) had declared 28 voters in favor of the mayor's election. An election envelope was submitted to the envelope based on the results of the election, the number of valid ballots for the mayor election being 1970.

"The complainant believes that in the event of a recalculation of the votes, the court might conclude that the municipal electoral commission improperly summarized the votes, to the detriment of the plaintiff, and therefore the election commission's decision on the successful candidate in the election. Nováky town hall could be annulled … to issue a decision to declare the election of the candidate for the post of mayor of the city duly elected, that is to say of the plaintiff, " said on behalf of the lawyer in the submission to the ÚS. For this reason, there is a justified fear that the guaranteed political right of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic to access to the elected office of the complainant is threatened and disrupted.

One of the unsuccessful candidates therefore asks that he recounts the votes of the election of the mayor of the city, which appears on the ballot papers of the KVM sealed in Novák, and compares this result with the results. of the minutes of the commission. If the Bureau considers that the complainant has received more valid votes than the successful candidate, the candidate must cancel the ICC decision and declare the elected mayor of the complainant.

In the elections to the municipalities of the municipalities, which took place on November 10, the residents of Novak voted for Mayor Dušan Šimka (independent) according to the election results. The newcomers gave him 533 valid votes. The current mayor, Daniel Daniš (independent), received 523 valid votes from the voters. According to the law, the statS rule on a complaint about the unconstitutionality or illegality of the elections or the results of the elections to a local self-governing body within 90 days of its holding.

Deputy Mayor of Zavar wants to recount voters' votes

With the proposal to declare invalid elections to the municipal authorities of the municipality of Zavar, near Trnava, the candidate for mayor of the Czech Republic, Dana Benešová, turned to the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic. In an election complaint, he asks that the votes of the voters be summed up lawfully, which is not the case.

The complainant indicates that the two electoral commissions of the municipality counted the votes so as to add one-third of the votes to three pairs of members. In a committee, the members of the commission were in a multiple relationship with the candidates elected to the general council. "There was no cross-check or verification of the votes of the electors and the evaluation of the validity of the votes in the committees" He stated. According to the complainant, the proceedings could affect the outcome of the elections to the mayor and deputies in Zavar. "I request that the electoral lists be recalculated legally" said Benesova.

According to the election results, the mayor of the General Council, Lukáš Sochor (independent), became mayor with 547 votes out of 920. Benesova (Smer-SD) was second with 327 votes.

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