Disintegration, disaster or destruction. In Trnava, he fights for the rest with the club


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Disintegration, disaster or destruction. The words are also related to the Slovak FC Spartak Trnava football team in recent days.

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The departure of Spartak was announced progressively by coach Radoslav Látal, managing director Pavel Hoftych, owner Vladimír Poor and possibly Spartaka chairman Dušan Keketi. It is obvious that Spartak is playing the autumn part of the season in its current composition, but the rest is dubious.

Outgoing owner, Vladimir Poor, said that the club management would take over the management of the crisis until a new owner found it. Trnavský podnikatel jako důvod pro exodus uvedl nedostatečnou podporu ze strany města nebo trvalé zan strón nákterých příznivců, zejména na sociálních sítích.

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Another part of the situation is sorry for the fans and they are afraid of what the defending champion will be. "I hope some people are already satisfied, they realized what they wanted. They invited Poor and wanted to leave. But who should replace it? Who puts his capital in Spartak? Probably nobody. And who will play for Trnava? We do not have a bus anyway. Let's see if a complete team is at all, "thought one of SITA's fans.

"It's really good what you did, not that you're happy that someone is funding the club, but you're like fools. Now you can create a civic association and save the club, " said another fan on facebook, dissatisfied with the current situation. His reference was to the same people that Poor had identified as the reason for his departure.

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Vladimir Poor himself feared the worst of scenarios, although he thinks that new blood can bring new momentum to Spartak. "I'm not indifferent to what is Trnava football, but I do not see the future in pink. Tell me where is the crisis management of the new coach, new players and especially the money. No entity enters the finances of Spartak. They can follow the path of Serede or Senice, who started winning players, but I wonder how long it will last. I fear that the worst case scenario will be settled in two or three years and that Trnava may be absent. " says Poor, who worked in Trnava football for 25 years.

"I do not want the Spartaku to be hurt, some people are constantly in need of an enemy and find it in me, the managers leave, the coaches leave, the players leave, the owners leave, but Spartak remains. I can not see the problem. I think the younger generation can do something about it. It may be better than now. I hold my thumbs. I thank everyone who worked with me and got angry. But I am tired and disappointed. He has to rejuvenate, "he said earlier.



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