All children should have the same starting line in education, says Vavrek


"This is especially true for children from a socially disadvantaged environment: I want special school children to be able to enroll in mainstream schools and get an apprenticeship to become artisans, we have little," Vavrek explained. "I will do everything so that everyone, regardless of their origin, has access to a good education, to the one who makes him a good man who will know how to work his family", said Vavrek.

According to the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Vice President of Most-Híd Ábel Ravasz, compulsory pre-school education and the development of opportunities offered to children by special schools are only part of the measures taken by the Plenipotentiary. "We have succeeded in translating the main points of our work into the recently adopted government resolution on increasing employment for people belonging to marginalized groups, and I see this as a very positive step for Roma communities in Slovakia. The government is determined to act and the Parliament headquarters Vavrek, who can oversee the implementation of the plan from the position of the legislator ", said the plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the vice-chairman of the most hid party, Ábel Ravasz.

Primary schools will continue to benefit from a socially disadvantaged environment. Today, the Government of the Slovak Republic has approved the proposal of the deputies of the National Council of the Slovak Republic concerning Most Hid, Štefan Vavrek and Ladislav Balódi. The current text of the law is in effect until December 31, 2018. The law is also included in the deliberations of Parliament.

According to an expert from the Movement of Peoples and Independent Peoples (OĽaNO) Petr Pollák, who studies the problem of Roma with one year of education a year, does not satisfactorily solve the current problem of the problem of Roma children, it does not remove the cultural, social and linguistic barrier. "This proposal has no ambition, it is insufficient.Today, Roma children have the opportunity to be included in the zero years of primary school." it was enough to ask the teachers who worked for them and learn the same thing.The year is not enough, " Pollak said. According to him, the government does not fulfill its objectives.

"At the beginning of the legislature, Plenipotentiary Ravasz stated that mandatory preschool attendance would be from 2019. For three years, they failed to make a bill. can start compulsory schooling from the Eurofunds for the last school year, we will launch it with a delay of 2020 and, furthermore, with the State.The programming period of European funds ends in 2020, after which they can no longer be used ", Pollak added. The spokeswoman OĽaNO Matúš Bystriansky informed.

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