SNS tells PM that Slovakia will not visit Marrakech


The Slovak National Party (SNS) is ready to support the Smer-SD amendment of the United Nations Global Compact for Migration and believes that Prime Minister Petr Pellegrinim (Smer-SD) will hold the speech and that no one for Slovakia will not participate in the negotiation of the Marrakech package.

Comments on the Slovak Pact must be sent in writing. First Vice-President of the CPS, Jaroslav Paška, said at the press conference. He did not say if the IEC would leave the coalition if the Prime Minister did not keep the word.

"After consultation with the Smer party, we agreed that this new orientation could be to support the amendment tabled by the Smer party and at the same time we agreed to allow the Prime Minister to also respect this. that he has announced, that he passes the joint proposal of the Management and the IEC, he guarantees that no one will go to Marrakech, neither the ambassador nor the referee, nor no member of the RS, "Paška said.

Slovakia's participation will not be exceeded

The CIS will not present its proposal to amend the resolution to request the absence of Slovakia from Marrakech. The official position of the government on the global framework will be postponed by diplomatic courier. According to the IEC, Slovakia will probably be added to countries that will not participate in the implementation of the Global Compact.

"The resolution indicates that the Government of the Slovak Republic is not taking any steps towards the adoption of a global compact, but must do everything in its power to reject the global compact. The Prime Minister has promised us that such a step that would lead to the rejection of the pact would be the absence of the RS at this meeting, which we understand, so it is promised and we believe that the Prime Minister will respect the word, "said CIS club president Tibor Bernajak.

Nationals, in their own words, will not bite if someone from Slovakia to Marrákeš goes on. "It's excluded," they said. Questions about leaving the coalition in case the Prime Minister does not follow the word were hypothetical.

"The Prime Minister has not disappointed us today, we have no reason not to believe him," said SNS Vice President Anton Hrnko. Nationalists also said that Miroslav Lajcak's political future (Smeru-SD) did not concern the political future of Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak. The head of the Slovak diplomacy for the initial resolution of the SNS has threatened to resign.

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