President Kiska meets Pope Francis


Andrej Kiska gives four visions to the Holy Father.

In mid-December, President Andrej Kiska attended a hearing with Pope Franz at the Vatican. "On this occasion, the President will present the Holy Father with a gift consisting of four Christmas gulls made by people from socially disadvantaged groups," said Martin Lipták of the presidency press office in

But for the Holy Father

But for the Holy Father, the barracks will form families with disabled children at the Liberty Basketball Center and a pupil from the Spišský Hrhov primary school, where Roma are also studying.

"The third ball will be created by children and young adults on Friday 30 November at Turzovka Children & # 39; s Home. The fourth round will be created by homeless people in the Anton Srholco center of Resot in Bratislava, at a time of will be specified, "added Lipták.

President Kiska will make a working visit to Italy on December 13, 2018. The main point of the trip will be negotiations with President Sergio Mattarell. A day later, he meets the head of the Catholic Church.

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