VIDEO: Activists have called for the end of "carbon time". The government will negotiate mining – Regions – News


Greenpeace activists wanted a big banner on the tower
with the inscription "end of the coal year", but that is because of the weather conditions
conditions and security. In their hands, they kept only small
banners. Later, Greenpeace informed him that he had managed to hang out
great transparency. But they threatened to ban their activity
342 lives of miners who were underground.

Activists from

Greenpeace activists
on a mining tower
the ...

"Greenpeace activists rode this morning on the company's mining tower
Hornonitrian Prievidza's mines in Nováky to show a transparent
with the end of the term coal. Unfortunately, they failed because of this
weather conditions and safety. They protest against the team
destructive mining and coal incineration in Slovakia as it continues
mining and burning has recently been rejected by the Slovak official proposal
government, "said activist Júlia Sokolovičová.
leave the coal in the ground and stop burning. Twelve activists are
arrived at the tower at six in the morning and the banners spread out over the neighborhood
one hour later. Shortly after reaching the tower, they came to the place
cops, firefighters with several cars and lifeguards. Activists have finished
event around 13:00.

The NGO, according to Sokolovičová, thinks the time has come,
so that the government of the Slovak Republic stops solving the budget of a company and focuses on it
solution and the end of coal in Slovakia that saves human health and
the environment, because Slovakia has more.

At the mining tower of Baní Prievidza Hornonitrien (HBP)
12 activists from Greenpeace Slovakia climbed to Novakov at 6:00 am
they had planned to stay there until about 4 pm. Early morning at camp
police vehicles, rescuers, mine rescue arrived
and firefighters.

Rashi: the government will negotiate coal extraction on December 6

The government will negotiate coal mining in Upper Nitra on December 6th. ad
this Wednesday after the Cabinet of the Prime Minister Cabinet of the Cabinet RS
Investment and Information Technologies Richard Raši (Direction).

"Everyone, including the Hornonitrian mines, had to share this document
Prievidza (HBP), as well as self-government, commercial entities and the third sector.
This material is now in the mid-term recall procedure. present
Bring it to the government on December 6th, hold a big press conference, and so on.
with the Minister of Economy, with the incorporation of comments that will come. HBP is
they had to participate in the material because it's directly relevant to him, because
they represent nearly 4,200 active miners, "said the Deputy Prime Minister.

According to Raši, the material in question concerns the end of production support
electricity (coal) in 2023. "Solutions must be presented,
what will continue with the mines, because he can not stop to profit from it day by day,
they can not leave the mine open. The most important thing for me is what
will be with the people who will be with the whole region, with the transport infrastructure,
what alternatives will we find, "added Rashi.
is, in his words, a reference to the question of whether coal mining from the upper Nitra should have
accelerate or slow down.

The Minister of the Economy, Peter Žiga (Smer) has already announced that the government
Economic Interest (EEZ) currently in effect until 2030 and in the sense that
whose state subsidizes the production of woody electricity, should be shortened
by 2023. "We think this is also the date we would like
do all the energy reduction in Slovakia. Simply because
Electricity and coal heat have the smallest share in Slovakia
energy mix of all the countries of Central Europe, "she said.

More expensive electricity

Even the PCR indicates that the price of electricity produced from renewable sources should be
more expensive than coal. "It is difficult to compare the prices of electricity
renewable sources and coal, as they do not exist in Slovakia
market conditions. Electricity from coal is governed by a VHZ that directs electricity
produce in a specific volume at a particular price, "he says

The material concerning the transformation of the upper Nitra, which
last week submitted to an interdepartmental recall
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investment and Computerization, according to him
the office, apparently in cooperation with HBP. "It's a material that
contains a timetable for closing the mines with the fact that the coal must be
to have everything, but faster. Just three years faster than
was the original mining plan. You do not eat all the lignite in Slovakia, just
mines that are open in the region of high Nitra. The document does not mention a question
12. The mining area and does not concern either the mines of the line to be
more open. Slovakia would save the most if it ended
the extraction and burning of coal and its replacement by renewable resources. the
the faster, the less it will come out, "she added.

Bane talks about endangering lives

According to HBP, the behavior of activists forced the immediate suspension of towing
equipment, stopping coal mining and continuous mining operations.
"As a result, security and life are imminent
342 miners currently underground and security
mining. This is an emergency because the functionality of the skip
the device is disabled due to the presence of strangers, "she said
Adriana Siváková, spokesperson for the press.
The stop of the traffic threatens the workplaces in cash, offending
impacts on climatic conditions, pressure conditions deteriorating stability
workplaces, increasing the risk of fire and for society
it also means considerable economic damage.

"The tow tower is a conveyor that works
in automatic mode and is used to extract coal from the basement. By this
The members of Greenpeace, without notice, jumped on the hitch,
irresponsible in danger not only themselves but also the miners who with their movements and
opinions have nothing in common, "Sivakova said.

At the same time, she confirmed that they had been summoned to Mr. Novák for an extraordinary event.
the emergency mines of the miners' rescuers of the Main Mines Rescue
radio station (HBZS) of Prievidza, which Greenpeace had to hand over
increased security threats and other underground structures,
the construction of tunnels and mining in Slovakia, for which HBZS Prievidza
provides a permanent reserve service.

The current situation is solved by the company in synergy
with the repressive authorities. BPHs file a criminal complaint with
Greenpeace for committing a crime of general threats,
damage and threats to the operation of the mining company, criminal offense
bodily harm during the trial phase and the wrongful infringement
enter the site of the mining company.

"We consider this activity of Greenpeace as a continuation
targeted attacks against our society, based on ignorance
professional, non objective, obsolete and misleading
information on damage to the environment, air and water
Nitra higher, "added Sivakova.

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