How do you solve the problems? A quarter of Slovaks wait for an answer on the Internet


Slovaks are mainly connected via mobile phones.

BRATISLAVA. The use of the Internet in Slovakia has changed considerably in recent years.

Until the beginning of the century, nine percent of Slovaks were attached, but currently, this is not less than ninety-five. And almost all use the Internet daily.

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Time has progressed and the way people connect to the Internet and what they are looking for has changed.

The most common means of connection is no longer an ordinary computer or a laptop. For nearly half of Slovaks connected, the gateway is only their mobile phone.

The online survey of United Consultants, in collaboration with MARK BBDO and Pricewise, showed a sample of two thousand people.

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Nearly two devices per person

"The Internet is a common everyday problem, without which many people could not imagine their life and their decisions." In the eighteenth year, the Internet has become an integral part of almost every home in our country, "said Marián Timoracký of United Consultants.

The expansion of the Internet over the past twenty years has also shown the number of devices connected to people's homes.

The survey showed that nearly six devices are connected to the digital home, with the focus being on portable devices. The average household has at least two cell phones and a connected laptop.

The smallest of them have desktop computers, they are even behind smart TVs.

"There are fewer than two devices per household member," Timorak said.

Mobile is also used for purchases

The use of cell phones and the Internet to touch the fingers is not limited to households. Up to 60% of Slovaks are actively using mobile to shop. They want to have access to information and make a good decision.

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Most often, they take a picture, send a picture and wait until someone close approves their clothes or something else.

With mobile phones, users also search for reviews, compare prices or view flyers. It also appeared that the handwriting of shopping lists was also a slow past and many people would write the necessary things on their cell phone.

Slovaks are also paying close attention to prices. The survey also revealed that nearly half of them had already used ultra-friendly Chinese stores, Aliexpress or Wish, with which Slovak stores could not compete.

Solutions are searched on the Internet

Fifty-seven percent of people use the Internet primarily for communication, 42 seconds on e-mail or Internet banking. Thirdly, you need to have an overview of the situation.

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"In the past, there were only four main reasons people used the Internet: access to information, entertainment, communication and work." he is much more varied. "

More than ten percent of Slovaks are looking for inspiration in the form of recipes, travel tips or practical advice. Fewer people are using the Internet for entertainment or multimedia.

Seventy percent of women write to people daily via apps, only a few of them are daily on Facebook. On this network, women also click on ads twice as often as men.

When people have a general problem to solve, nearly a quarter of them mainly use the Internet. They search for an expert on the Internet or ask their questions on a social network or forum.

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