The pact will be decided Thursday, Lajčák rises for – Home – News


"Illegal migration with economic motivation is a negative phenomenon
also bringing security risks, both at national and regional level
and the global context, and the RS supports the solutions of its causes in the countries
origin. No migration document can be interpreted as if it was
The Slovak Republic has limited its sovereign power to decide,
that he will consider a legal migrant and who as an illegal migrant and
which gives them the right to stay on their territory ", adds the Directorate
to the original resolution. At the same time, Smer adds that the RS reserves the right
adopt migration legislation exclusively in accordance with its own
national migration policy and insists on the rejection of
compulsory quotas.

In the SNS resolution, the National Council of the Slovak Republic stated that
Global Compact on Safe, Regulated and Statutory Migration in the form of
of the final proposal of July 11, 2018 is a non-compliant document
with the current security and migration policy of the Slovak Republic. NR SR
asks the Government of the Slovak Republic to adopt a disagreement
To the global pact, took the appropriate steps to withdraw
From the process of accepting the global compact and not taking it
The Slovak Republic at meetings of governments and senior representatives
should take place in Morocco on 10 and 11 December 2018, written
in the resolution.

The little boy is standing with his words

Nevertheless, there is an alternative that if no Slovak representative is in post
the conference does not stop, the head of the Foreign Affairs Department Miroslav
Resignation of Lajčák. He confirmed it before the meeting of the government of the RS itself
Lajčák, who says in his opinions and statements

In his words, he must be in line with his decisions
by his own consciousness and this imaginary border does not go beyond. Lajčák replied
also on issues regarding the security and defense strategy that he approved
the Government of the Slovak Republic during the last year. Lajčák stated that security
the strategy developed by his department is a good document, but
it is now the National Council of RS.

"It is important for me to make a decision in line with mine
consciousness. I do not want to speculate, I clearly say that I say what you are
I think. I do not fight against anyone, my words always pay. I passed
the week said how he is and I am consistent in my statements, "
said Lajčák. Asked if he would be a good substitute for him
Robert Fico, member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, did not want Lajčák to tell him that he was going to
on speculation. It was the name of the CEO of the coalition who was promoted
as part of a possible substitution for the Lajčák. He threatened to resign
if the UN conference in Marrakech does not remain Slovak

According to the Prime Minister, the fact is, if someone goes to Marrakech,
not important

That someone goes or does not go to Marrakech, according to Prime Minister Peter
Pellegrini (Smer) is out of place. What matters is that Slovakia does not want
nothing related. He said it before the Wednesday government meeting. he admitted
according to the analysis, the document itself is not legally binding.

"We will only consider whether the reserves we have need
to present it. We must realize that if we do not go, it will be
a conference that does not mention anything about Slovakia.
And we will see if we send our opinion in writing or as we will.
clearly, "he said.

"Marrakech for the Slovak Republic will in no way be binding, nothing for us
security. Others are technical problems that it is not necessary to solve.
war, "thinks the prime minister who, in his words, is doing everything to
so that Lajčák remains as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The government on the way to Marrakech decides at the next meeting

The government will decide to attend the conference at its next meeting. sure
the negotiations were announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for investment and computerization
Richard Raši (Branch). He said his attitude towards the Global
the UN treaty on migration is in line with the attitude of Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Environment László Sólymos
(Most-Híd), the participation of the Slovak representative in support of the conference.
"I do not think the solution is that the SR stays out of the table." Shake your head
sand in such a problem is a bad way. When we have SR
reservations to the pact, so we should have a way to say that but
certainly not staying out. This problem is global and the RS would
should be, "he said.

The CIS wants to support the change of resolution of the pact since the Smer workshop

The Slovak National Party (CIS) is ready to support this amendment
the motion for a resolution on the United Nations Global Compact for Migration and expresses its point of view
trust with Prime Minister Peter Pellegrinim to keep the word
Negotiations on Pakistan Pakistan will not be the case for Slovakia.

Comments on the pact should be submitted by Slovakia in writing. Slovakia, according to the IEC
will probably add to countries that will not implement the global compact
participate. That's what the first vice president said at a press conference in Parliament.
SNS Jaroslav Paška.

We do not err the hysteria, this will only help the extremists, says Cséfalvay

The policy of awakening of hysteria will only help the conspirator and the extremist.
In the rhetoric surrounding the United Nations Global Compact on Migration,
whether it is delivered by a coalition member, a democratic opposition or the LSNS.
In Parliament, this was announced by the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic
Katarina Csefalval (Most-Hid).

"We are going to put an end to this absurd hysteria, we have the opportunity to get up.
unpopular problem. Our contribution should be brave
explanation, "she thinks.A member of the coalition, in her words, knows
understand the reservations about the text of this document but do not understand why we do not want
our bookings are also communicated to our partners at the December meeting in Morocco.
"If we want to criticize, it makes no sense to leave the table.
we will not do it, the frame will be accepted and we will prepare for the possibility of transmitting ours
attitude. Go to Marrakech and take our position is a stronger expression,
how not to go at all, "she said.

Cséfalvay believes that the parliamentary debate is more global
within the framework of the United Nations, but that political parties are the place to find solutions
they chose a lighter way to jump into the mood of the most extreme strongest
social networks. "Our job is to explain what we do
migration is and protects citizens only against its risks. And not to mention
afraid of the unknown. We must know how to bear the burden of debate and argumentation,
on unpopular topics, "he says.

We turn away from the minister's work, hang around populism, he says
Martin Fedor

Coalition MP Martin Fedor (Most-Hid) regrets that most
Parliament prepares its position on the UN Global Compact on Migration
Put some of the work of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the basket.

Fedora regrets that even the majority of the government has been formed
as a coalition of reason, are driven by the populists.
"I do not agree with the support of illegal immigration, I am not even obligatory
quotas, I do not want a complete Muslim community. I think the problems
should be addressed where they present themselves. But we do not underestimate the work of our own
Minister and let's go with a big pseudo-thing, "
He thinks.

According to the Minister of Defense, we are bogged down by dictating the subject of the
Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, and apparently, we unconsciously reinforce his
the position. "It is in our interest not to abandon populism.
Reservations, we write them, put them on paper and ask our assistant to
Marrakech to present them at the conference. If we do not do it, we get rid of it
The Slovak instrument, decisive for the states of our size.
Resignation to diplomacy is not reasonable and it's a big mistake, "
he said.

Fedor says that migration needs to be described and categorized in a way that
to see what is said. "We are not looking for one UN, another
among the ranks of mysterious organizations that want to force us to do something. That's it
the organization where our diplomacy could affirm in the person of the minister
Lajcak. It is my guarantee of professional access to abroad
policy and protection of the interests of Slovakia. I have also supported his attitudes
this government, "he added.

According to Boris Kollar, Lajčák should resign

Minister of Foreign Affairs at the head of the General Assembly
The United Nations (UN) has created a global pact on migration,
that everyone in Slovakia rejects. Maybe it would be nice if you did
he quit. At the plenum of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic, he declared leader. We are a family.
Boris Kollar. His party does not rule out that if Lajčák does not resign, he will

"We reject this pact and therefore we feel bad.
to look at his bread maker in his eyes when his own country does not support him?
Well, we're probably all crazy, xenophobic and fascist. No we are not "
said Kollar, who, like most parliamentarians, has a global compact

He pointed out that Austria, for example, had a negative attitude towards the document.
"They found that 17 points of this pact would disrupt their national sovereignty
in decision-making, "he commented.

This document reminds Kollar of the salami method. "This is typical
an example of how they manage with us. One ring after the other. When we discover that we are
they lost all the skills and someone else decides on us. It's like that that they do it
in everything, "he added.

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