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Greenpeace activists boarded the Novak mining tower.


Rozboch v Novákoch, záchranáři i kukláči na pohotovosti. Twelve Greenpeace activists arrived Wednesday morning at the Hornonitrianska Baní Prievidza. They went to the mining tower. In the strong wind, the banners of Greenpeace spread. When the wind blew, they added another banner with the end of the banner. The export company says the protesters have threatened 342 illegal miners. Greenpeace has filed a criminal complaint.

Non-governmental organization that focuses on the protection of life
environment, requires that the coal be extracted and its combustion stopped. "We protest
against the destructive extraction and burning of coal in Slovakia,
the continuation of mining and incineration recently rejected the official proposal
the Slovak government. We think the time has come for the government to stop solving
the budget of a company and focused on such a solution that saves people
health and the environment, because Slovakia has more, "she said.
Júlia Sokolovičová from Greenpeace. She admitted that their action was
dangerous. "Yes, it was the entrance to the land of the private company, all
but the activists are very attentive to security,
in order to avoid material damage, "she added.

Activists would have threatened themselves with minors

Hornonitrianske Bane Prievidza (HBP) marked the entrance of protesters into
premises for unauthorized entry. They remembered that at the time, it was underground
342 minors. "The behavior of the militants led to an immediate halt
traction equipment, cessation of coal mining and continued operation
surgery. A tow tower is also a transportation device that
operates in automatic mode and is used to extract coal from the basement. By this
The members of Greenpeace, without notice, jumped on the hitch,
irresponsible in danger not only themselves but also the miners who with their movements and
opinions have nothing in common, "said Adriana's spokeswoman
Siváková. According to him, the company called for emergency mines
rescuers from the main Prievidza mine rescue station. On Greenpeace
he files a criminal complaint for the commission of criminal offenses
general threats, damage and threats to mining operations
companies, health attacks at the trial stage and unauthorized
enter the site of the mining company.

The case already has a police station on the table that was in place. "The police are
deals with the case, investigates the case and provides evidence
we will provide information later, "said Trencian spokesman
Pavol Kudlicka's police.

Arsenic in wastewater

Activists from Greenpeace Slovakia reported in mid-October that
in sediments near mining wastewater extraction points
alarming values ​​of arsenic carcinogen. It does not break down in the environment.
At this point, they stressed that Slovakia offers the best conditions for total mitigation
The use of coal in the electricity of all the countries of Central Europe consists of
only 12% of electricity and heat production, and most of it remains
imported from abroad.

The Ministry of Economy decided last week to continue
coal mines, with the end of the state in 2023
coal power station. This was originally planned
with the year 2030th

The law has a place where to stop, mining to speed up

Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Computerization, Richard Raši (Smer)
submitted a proposal to reminders to deal with the loss of mining
on the top Nitra. According to Greenpeace, the document was created in collaboration with HBP and
deals in particular with the transformation of this private company. The protectors say,
suggesting faster extraction instead of ending.

Rashi replied that everyone involved was working on the proposal, and therefore
miners, self-governments, entrepreneurs and the third sector. "The RAP had to
participate in the material because it concerns them directly
with 4,000 active miners, "said Rashi with the fact that he was in the group
did not see the mention that mining should be accelerated or

"We do not want it to happen tomorrow, we want to find a gradual plan
the decline of mining and how we want to transform the region. About this
the materials can still be discussed if something is delivered as part of measurements,
or something. I do not stop the discussion at all, "added the Minister
Peter Žiga (Smer). Claims on previous inventories, that is to say
by 2023, coal combustion capacity similar to that of 2030 would be reduced to a minimum,
is, according to Zig, contrary to the technical possibilities of the new plant.
"We emphasize that the state supports exclusively the production of electricity from coal and
not coal mining, "repeated the Ministry of Economy.

Hornonitrian mines to be removed from government in Prievidza
State aids to reduce mining activities and create new jobs
in other sectors. The money can be used for the mining industry, but also
repair of wagons, tomato growing, breeding of African catfish, production
biomass and bioplastics.

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