Approved! Free lunch for schoolchildren first and then for students


Starting next year, the state will pay 1.20 euro to each child of the school and then to schoolchildren.

Will there be chaos in school meals?

Children in the last year of pre-school must have free lunch starting January 1st of the next year. Elementary and secondary school students from September of the next year. Cities and municipalities, as well as schools, will have sufficient time to provide technical facilities and possibly supplement the work of the dining room. The financial department is also committed to paying two million euros to solve potential problems in practice. Robert Fico, president of Smeru-SD, announced it after negotiations with the Association of Cities and Municipalities of Slovakia (ZMOS).

The members of Smeru-SD plan to introduce an amendment in plenary to change the effectiveness of this measure for each institution. "It is interesting to note that this measure was implemented as smoothly as possible, and they worried about whether the capabilities would be able to cope with the cities and communities facing an increased attack, They had enough staff or enough technical equipment ". Fico is approached.

Our own opinion on the situation has also been elucidated by a chef from the school's dining room. He thinks that children's lunches await not only an increased attack, but also chaos:

School cookbook: Free lunch is not free as this …

Even the parents did not notice what they really thought of a preliminary proposal: free lunch. Mother Janka said it out loud, because no, it's not just a free lunch. Schooling in Slovakia should be free, but those with annual or even monthly parents pay, they say the opposite:

We cheat you for a free meal, Mr. Fico, when we have to pay that as a parent …

The number of small meals increases

The task of the workforce will be to ensure that there are enough workers in the facilities. According to the Finance Minister, Fic has promised two million euros in financial aid "where the situation will be the most critical". "The ZMOS have officially promised us to do everything in their power to ensure that there is no situation where, in addition to providing € 1.20 per meal, they charge an additional fee. want the lunch to be really free ", Said Fico.

ZMOS President Jozef Turcany has calculated that the number of children in institutions is increasing. "In 2003, only 44% of children attended primary school, compared to 70% in 2017. In kindergartens, this figure increased from 86% to 97% of children", he counted the Turks. He believes that by changing the efficiency of elementary schools, cities will have more time to provide workers with sufficient resources. "The compromise on which we agreed should go beyond the time given to cities, municipalities and institutions to have more time to prepare and equip the dining room", the Turks have added.

The Minister of Labor, Ján Richter (Smer-SD), added that his ministry was ready to help secure the workforce in the dining room. For example, a public employment project worth 8.5 million euros could be helped. "We are ready to involve up to 1000 job seekers in the project", Richter said, forcing people to work as an auxiliary labor force for cooks, for example.

Dear lords, politicians argue over titles and live here like that!

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