Google has made the photo book available in Slovakia


You certainly know a lot of ways to get a photo book.

Nowadays, we have a large number of photos on our devices that we examine not only on smartphone screens, but also on image transfers to other external devices or cloud services. In this way, our memories are virtually constant and accessible. If you want to own real photos in a nice package, the time has come when this option has become more available than ever in Slovakia.

Google Photos started offering a Photobucket in several countries a few weeks ago. Today, Europe has 14 more. In the first wave, photo albums were only available in 13 countries of North America and Europe. To use this service, you must open the Google Photos app and a new item – Photo Books will appear at the top of the list when you open the menu.

List of new countries with available service photobook:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Ireland
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Sweden

Price for Bru Bruhu 18 × 18 cm (20 pages) is $ 12.99for each additional part add € 0.49. The maximum number of pages is 100. Fixed binding of 23 × 23 cm (20 pages) is $ 22.99. An extra charge of € 0.69 is charged for each additional part and, as for the brochure, the maximum number of pages is limited. The price does not include transportation.

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