Ernest Valko: Police try again with the indictment


The case was sent back to the prosecutor's office in early November.

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BRATISLAVA. The murder case of Ernest Valk, a lawyer, is trying to relocate the police. Once again, she filed a motion to charge two people in this case.

This has been confirmed by the police presidency.

Read also: The murder of Ernest Valka returned to the investigator

"The investigator of the NAKA anti-brigade unit completed additional pleadings and filed the case with the prosecutor for surveillance," police said.

The Special Prosecutor's Office returned the case in early November. He did not comment on the reasons and added that it should be "to carry out the planned procedures".

Two authors

For the 2010 murder, police blame Jozef Radič, 43, and Jaroslav Klinka, 45, currently in prison.

Read also: The police ended the murder of Valkov, the motive of the perpetrators being a robbery

According to Radic's testimony, the murder of a famous lawyer would have been punished by 20 to 25 years of imprisonment.

The client can go to jail for 12 years.

According to testimonies, Valik would have shot Radic so that he would hit him with one shot in the chest.

The murder weapon was found by investigators in a pond near Pezinka in 2017.

Planned flight

The accused allegedly agreed in October 2010 to rob the house of a lawyer by committing the acts in his presence.

Then they watched his house and his daily habits. During the aforementioned day, they first released an unknown chemical through the window frame. After returning Valko home and opening the windows to remove the odor, he entered his house and was murdered.

In fact, the perpetrators searched his house, the suitcase, took the firearm legally owned by Valko and left.

Ernesta Valka was murdered on November 9, 2010 at her home in Limbach. The former President of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic has been one of the most influential lawyers and has devoted himself to several delicate cases.

The former police president, Jaroslav Spišiak, spoke earlier about the fact that the motive for the murder was the robbery and the writers of the wrestlers that Valko had surprised.

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