Kiska gave thanks to the sick man


The President has pardoned two unconditional sentences to the convicted person.

29. November 2018 at 00h58 TASR

BRATISLAVA. President Andrej Kiska granted Thursday an individual pardon to a 79-year-old man suffering from an incurable oncological disease.

TASR informed the president of the communications manager, Roman Krpelan.

The president has forgiven two sentences of 10 and 16 months' imprisonment, which were lawfully imposed by the court for repeatedly committing robberies, an illegal takeover of electricity.

"According to the report on the state of health of the convicted, his life is in immediate danger and is not a prerequisite for the improvement of the oncological disease or its long-term maintenance at the stage and on the current scale, "said Krpelan.

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Enforcement of custodial sentences would be very complicated because of the serious health problems and old age of the convicted person.

In assessing the request for mercy, Kiska also took into account that the convict had led a lifeless life before committing such acts. He is currently neither prosecuted nor prosecuted.

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